RHCA will continue with the 2008 initiatives. It will increase attention to the areas where work is most needed and has the interest of participants. We will work with committees in the area we can be most effective. They are:
*Community Aid and Enrichment: Membership and vital pursuits to ensure community support, collaborative effort on needed programs, work to create a lasting and effective relationship between RHCA and the community and most important increase the number of Block Clubs.
*Safety/Security: Advocate effective police action and participation in community policing.
*Parks and Recreation: Work on issues of park maintenance and improvements.
*Planning and Improvement: Assist in community gardening for beautification of Roseland Heights' boundaries and streets, work on issues of neighborhood maintenance and safety.
*Education: Establish (scholarships) a applicable working relationship with Chicago State University and schools in the community.
*Economic Development: Work on collaboration and participation with neighboring community organizations to improve the general conditions of our businesses & business opportunities.