Sylvan-Highlands Neighborhood Association (SHNA)

July Newsletter

Jul 02, 2002

Next General Membership Meeting
July 9, 2002, 7:00 p.m.
First Church of Nazarene, Room 308, Raab Road

Although summer is normally a slower time of year for SHNA, it hasn?’t been the case this year. Our president, Sally Kneuven, is on a leave of absence in Houston, Texas to take care of her mother. She may return in mid-July, but that?’s not certain. In her absence, vice president Dave Malcolm has filled in.

SHNA Board Meetings Held
The proposed Tibetan Peace Center (TPC) by 61st Drive progresses through the land use approval process. The proposed TPC sits on an eight plus acre site that straddles the county line. The building would be located in Washington County with access from Multnomah County via 61st Drive. The SHNA Board of Directors held two special board meetings (June 13 and 19) on this issue to refine SHNA?’s position and decide what actions to take. Many thanks to the SHNA TPC committee members who devoted significant time and effort to understand the issue and process, and report back to the SHNA membership and board. The committee has worked several months on this (and it?’s not done yet). The committee is comprised of John Braestrup (chair), Jeff Brown, Mark Filsinger, Annie Duzik, Chuck Lenard, Gary Roy and Dwight Uphaus. Thank you all!

Washington County held a well attended public hearing on June 20. Many neighbors (and others too) spoke for and against the submitted proposal. Chris Steinbrecher, SHNA Land Use Chair, spoke for SHNA. Although SHNA generally welcomes and supports the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association (NWTCA) and their proposed TPC, we have significant reservations about the facility?’s use and its impact upon the neighborhood - primarily concerning traffic and safety issues. On the basis of these unresolved concerns, SHNA opposed the NWTCA application in its present form at the hearing and urged the hearing officer to impose limiting conditions to address our concerns. The Sylvan Neighbors group, mostly residents living on or very near to 61st Drive, hired a land use attorney, Andrew Stamp, to represent them. Mr. Stamp filed pleadings and spoke at the June 20 hearing against the proposed application. As of print time, the hearing officer has not yet released his opinion - that may occur sometime in July.

The NWTCA application must also receive Multnomah County land use approval. Multnomah County has not yet found the NWTCA application to be complete so a public hearing has not been scheduled. SHNA will keep you informed about developments via meetings, this newsletter and on the association?’s Web site -

Portland Metro Area Bike Map Now Available
An updated bike map for the Portland metro area is now available for $6 at about 60 local stores or through Metro?’s Data Resource Center at 503-797-1725 (online soon). The 20th edition full-color map is printed on waterproof and tear-resistant PolyArt film. It includes 68 new miles of bike lanes, 34 new miles of multi-use paths, and 61 new miles of light-traffic neighborhood streets with terrain indications. The map covers central Portland, the southwest hills and seven suburban cities. For a list of stores, call 503-797-1900 and select option 6.

Little Barnes Speed Bump Project
The City has approved the stretch of Barnes between the county line and Skyline for its Residential Speed Bump Purchase Program. A recent traffic study determined that it is one of the worst streets for speeding in the city. Residents along the road have gathered enough signatures to authorize the project and now are raising $12,000 needed to pay for the six speed bumps.

It is hoped the project will enhance pedestrian safety and discourage thru traffic that uses Barnes to access other neighborhood streets on its way to and from Sylvan.

This project is only possible with widespread financial support from the neighborhood. Tax deductible donations in support of the project should be payable to:

Little Barnes Speed Bump Project
c/o Mark Sieber, Neighbors West-NorthWest 1819 NW Everett Suite 205 Portland, OR 97209

Crime Report
Although recent FBI statistics reveal a 6% crime increase in the U.S., there have been no remarkable trends observed within the Sylvan-Highlands neighborhood.
Car prowls are the most prevalent complaint. To address this, an officer with the Central Precinct has begun a project in the Goose Hollow area. If it proves successful, it may be extended to our neighborhood. An officer is doing foot patrols and noting vehicles that contain items readily visible to thieves. The make, model and plate number are recorded, as are the contents observed by the officer. A card is then sent to the vehicle owner, advising of the potential risk. Items left in full view have included laptops, cell phones, gym bags and golf clubs. Please be cognizant of the ever-present risk of car prowls! A locked car may slow a thief down, but it is not always a deterrent.

Remember: look out for each other. If a crime is occurring RIGHT NOW, call 911. Non-emergency crimes should be reported to (503) 823-3333. If you want an officer to follow up with you, be sure you clearly convey that.

National Night Out
On the evening of Tuesday, August 6th, neighbors across the U.S. will gather as a statement against crime. Your SHNA is planning a fun event in a lovely neighborhood park only minutes from the old Sylvan School. We have lined up visits from the Portland Fire Bureau (a fire truck!) and Commander Roseanne Sizer of the Portland Police Department. Our crime prevention specialist, Preston Wong, will also be on hand. We will have games for the kids and potluck goodies to share. The focus is on fun and getting to know one another.

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! This event won?’t happen by itself. We need help with set-up, clean-up, organizing activities for the kids, organizing the potluck, and help with the little details such as garbage bags, napkins, soft drinks, etc. Street Reps and all neighbors interested in making this a successful event - please contact PK Wall at (503) 833-1626 or by email at:

Upcoming Meetings
July 9th, General Membership Meeting, 7:00 p.m., First Church of the Nazarene, 6100 SW Raab Road, Room #308.

To vote at SHNA meetings, you must be a registered member of the neighborhood association. For information about how to become a member, please contact Dave Malcolm, (503) 221-7903, or

Remember to check our web site at for updates, the calendar and additional information about SHNA.

Please send newsletter suggestions, additions, and corrections to Judy Filsinger at

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