Sylvan-Highlands Neighborhood Association (SHNA)

May Newsletter

Apr 30, 2002

Next General Membership Meeting
May 14, 2002, 7:00 p.m.
First Church of Nazarene, Room 308, Raab Road

SHNA Board Meeting Held
The SHNA Board met on April 16 for its third meeting of the first term. According to SHNA bylaws, the Board is required to meet four times each term. The last meeting to be held on May 21 will give the Board an opportunity to develop a work plan for the 2002-2003 term. Dr. David Lane, Executive Director of the Office of Neighborhood Involvement, will be the featured guest. Board meetings are always open to the public, although there is limited time for public comment. Meetings are announced in the regular neighborhood channels - fliers, web site, NW Examiner, e-mail, and at each general membership meeting.

New Board Member
Chris Steinbrecher was nominated by the SHNA Board to fill a vacancy in representation for SW Salmon St., SW 61st Ct., and Madison Ct. The Board welcomed Chris at its April 16 meeting to serve for the remaining year of the 2001-2003 term. Chris also serves as Land Use Chair for the neighborhood association. As Land Use Chair, Chris keeps the neighborhood apprised of land use notices.

NWTCA Proposal
Copies of the amended applications have been submitted to both counties.
The Washington County application has been deemed complete as of April
16th. According to Albert Boesel, Washington County Planner, the hearing may be set for May 30th, but that date is not confirmed yet. The comment period
expires May 23. Comments may be brought to the hearing. However, the
County appreciates written comments ahead of time.

The Washington County address for comments is:
Washington County Land Use and Transportation
Albert Boesel, Associate Planner
155 North First, Suite 350-13
Hillsboro, OR 97214

Re: Tibetan World Peace Center Proposal

According to David Allred, Land Use Planner for the NW Coalition Office,
the 120 day clock starts the date the application is deemed complete. Within
that 120 days, each county is required to hold hearings, process the
application, and make a decision. The clock is now ticking in Washington

Copies of the approx. 800 page applications submitted to both counties
have been delivered to the coalition office today. The NW Coalition office
will serve as a reference library for anyone who wishes to review the
applications during normal business hours, Mon - Fri, 8:30 - 5:30. Call
on Fridays before you go because the office occasionally closes early. The
address of the office is 1819 NW Everett (the NW Cultural Center building
which houses the Children's Theater). The telephone number is 223-3331.
For more information, ask for David Allred.

According to Derrick Tokos at Multnomah County, they are still reviewing the application submitted to their office on April 16th. They anticipate that it will take them the full 30 days allowed to complete their review, so a decision is expected on or about May 15th.

Neighborhood Beautification
Another successful SOLV Cleanup was coordinated for Sylvan Highlands by Mr. Wonderful, Tom Barnes, from SW 57th. Nineteen volunteers collected 700 pounds of trash from roadsides and ditches to beautify the neighborhood on Saturday, April 20. The SOLV cleanup is part of Earth Day activities around the country.

Neighborhood Response Team (NET)
We?’re getting serious about developing our NET team for Sylvan-Highlands. An organizational meeting was held on Monday, April 22, at the home of Steve & Sarah Harrington. Twelve neighbors attended the meeting with Rachel Jacky, Coordinator of the Office of Community Emergency Services for Portland Fire & Rescue. Our team requires a total of 20 participants to cover the neighborhood adequately and to qualify for official status. We are in need of at least one Ham radio operator, doctors/nurses, and others who would like to be helpful to their neighbors and family in the event of a major emergency like a forest fire or an earthquake. If you have specific skills that could be helpful but do not want to go through the training, you can still be an adjunct member of the group. Our goal is to have a functioning, official NET team in place within the next year. So far, there are seven individuals in Sylvan-Highlands who have taken the NET training. Karen and Michael Petrotta, SW Uplands Drive, have just been certified and will join the SHNA team bringing our total to nine.

Rachel Jacky is scheduled to speak at the May 14 General Membership Meeting. Come and learn about the NET program and find out how you can help the neighborhood and the City of Portland in the event of a major emergency. Information about NET training schedules will be available at the meeting.

Crime Specialist Restored to His Job
Preston Wong, the NW Coalition?’s Crime Prevention Specialist, was restored to his job. City budget cuts forced several programs to be cut, and personnel were shifted around. Preston was informed that he had been bumped by a senior employee, but, in the end, the employee decided against taking Preston?’s job.
Lucky for us, the NW Coalition is fortunate to retain Preston?’s working knowledge of crime issues affecting our neighborhoods and the positive working relationship that has been developed over the past few years.

Land Use Reviews
Notices are sent to Land Use Chairs in each neighborhood from the City of Portland Office of Development Review to inform residents about changes in land use. There are three types of notices:

Type I Administrative decision, no local appeal
Type II Administrative decision with local appeal
Type III Public hearing with decision by a hearings officer, appeal to LUBA

Depending on the impact of the change, the land use action is assigned a classification. To comment upon a land use notice, one must write or call the land use planner assigned to the case, referencing the case number of the action, and action must be taken within a specific time frame. Comments must address specific issues related to the City Code about the given proposal. Time frames for comment can be very short; in the case of Type II classifications, the public has only fourteen days in which to comment. As the pressure for infill projects in our area becomes greater, more land use notices will be received by Sylvan-Highlands Neighborhood Association. If you wish to be on the e-mail list to receive notices of land use, please provide your e-mail address to

Upcoming Meetings
May 14th, General Membership Meeting, 7:00 p.m., First Church of the Nazarene, 6100 SW Raab Road, Room #308.

May 21st, Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., First Church of the Nazarene, 6100 SW Raab Road, Room #300.

To vote at SHNA meetings, you must be a registered member of the neighborhood association. For information about how to become a member, please contact Dave Malcolm, 221-7903, or

Remember to check our web site at for updates, the calendar and additional information about SHNA.

Please send newsletter suggestions, additions, and corrections to Judy Filsinger at

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