The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Shirley Hockett, co-chair. The minutes from the last meeting and the quarterly treasurer's report were read and approved. Dues were collected.
There was no one present from Tucson Police Department to make a report.
The topic of discussion for the meeting was job training. Curtis Stokelin from Tucson Urban League (TUL) reviewed their current programs and opportunities. The Workforce Investment Act is a federal employment and training program designed to help low-income adults, youths and dislocated workers get job training, education and job placement support services. Contact Roxanne McNair at 798-0539 for more information on this program. The Urban Youth Empowerment program offers summer employment to approximately 600 youths. TUL is one of 18 affiliates participating in this program that helps young people attend school and get job training, which builds confidence and promotes good work habits. Also, TUL's Employer's Advisory Council is presenting their 17th annual Job Fair at the Tucson Convention Center on May 31, 2007 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. For information contact the Urban League at 791-9522, ext. 232.
Ben Buehler-Garcia was also present to discuss the Hope VI seed grant master study which addressed job training and he provided some history on what has been done in this area in the past. He reminded South Park that we are in an empowerment zone which is beneficial to the Bridges Development. (Contact Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities for more information on empowerment zones). South Park and the other four neighborhoods that will be affected by the new development need to get involved in the planning discussions that will decide how the $2 million promised to the neighborhoods will be spent. Ben offered to share documents from the Hope VI master study and to help South Park strategize to incease their involvement in the process.
Maggie Gerring reported on the application for a liquor license at the 7-11 convenience market at 22nd and Park Ave. There is a new franchisee, but they have agreed to continue the agreement the store has had with South Park that they will not sell single "budget" bottles of beer (under $2.00). This practice is also beneficial to the store because it reduces shoplifting and litter.
Maggie reported on the effort to have the walking path at Silverlake Park named after Louis Padilla. Petitions were passed out and 150 signatures need to be collected. The signatures should be from people who live in the surrounding area.
Attention was called to a list of several informational announcements about upcoming events printed on the agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.