Every week day morning the hidden stairways of Santa Monica Canyon are filled with the sound of children and parents walking to school. That?s right, walking to school. The residents of the Canyon are fortunate to have an excellent elementary school nestled right in our Canyon. Canyon Charter School ranks in the top 10% of elementary schools in the state. Canyon Elementary was founded on a portion of the historic Rancho Boca de Santa Monica land grant in 1894. The original schoolhouse, the oldest school structure in Los Angeles, has been renovated and is used as the school library. Canyon is part of the eight school Palisades Charter Complex of five elementary schools, one middle school and two high schools.
This Fall, Canyon welcomed 320 students into its 16 classrooms. While local students are given priority, Canyon has a strong commitment to ethnic diversity and welcomes families from outside the area to apply via our Annual Lottery. The next New Family/Kindergarten Orientation is February 20. Call the school to register: 454 7510.
Canyon has a strong tradition of community and family involvement. The highlight of the year for many families is the Canyon Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. The Fiesta is the culmination of many months of planning. It features food, rides, raffle, games, a traditional Mexican Mercado and Silent Auction. All proceeds are used to continue to improve the level of education offered at Canyon. Examples of these improvements include a Computer Lab and teacher, Art Teacher, Music Program, Physical Education Instructor and Teachers Aides. The date for this year?s Fiesta is April 27. Save the date and join other Canyon residents as they celebrate Cinco de Mayo and support their local school.