1. 216 Amalfi Drive - The president summarized the purpose of this meeting as to consider whether the Board shall express an opinion at the November 7, Zoning Administrator Coastal Development Plan [CDP] hearing and, if so, what it should be. Board members summarized many of the issues discussed at the previous meeting. Elizabeth Zaillian, a neighbor, handed out a copy of the hearing notice that had been mailed to residents within a 100-foot radius of the project. As far as can be determined, the project has been designed within the applicable height and zoning laws. The purpose of the CDP hearing is to hear from affected and/or interested persons regarding the project including its environmental impact. Alex Man stressed that the area is over built and this project was too large and too disruptive of the neighborhood. He pointed out that Amalfi is a critical beach access road, the Mitigated Negative Declaration [MND] ignored the location of the project in the Mountain Fire Zone and the project is located in a mapped geologically and seismically hazardous area. He further stated that construction would pollute the area with excessive particulate matter including dust and diesel fumes. A detailed and careful discussion ensued as to what issues are appropriate for the association to bring up with the Zoning Administrator. It was agreed that the Coastal Commission would be a more favorable venue than the City Planning Department. Jill Baldauf brought up the conflict between construction vehicles and commuting school children at the Canyon Charter School, particularly around 8:30 in the morning when children are being dropped off. After further discussion, Jill Baldauf moved and Jeannie Gold seconded that the following issues be listed as association concerns regarding the project and be presented at the hearing by the President:
o Amalfi is an important access street to the beach,
o The MND is inadequate for not recognizing the dangers of the Mountain Fire Zone and the air pollution generated by construction activity on this hillside parcel,
o Construction activity will have a significant traffic impact including on the safety of school children, commuters and persons seeking to reach the beach and access for emergency vehicles will be impaired further as Amalfi is effectively a one lane road in the area,
o Hydrology is a problem and drainage to street may create ponding on Amalfi, and
o The expected environmental impact of construction activity
Motion approved by a vote of 8-1 [Alex Man opposes the entire project].