Meeting called to order by the President at 7:07/
The Minutes of August 5 were approved
Treasurer’s Report: The President reported that Treasurer Walt Turowski remained in hospital only able to take intravenous feeding at this time. Total treasury balance is $14,539.90/
Announcements: President announced that Assemblywoman Fran Pavley will have an open house at the Wednesday, September 24, Farmers’ Market in Santa Monica. Lucinda Mittleman commented upon the apparent increase in aircraft noise in the community. Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office and the Palisadian Post will be contacted. Problems with the “smart crosswalk” next to the Golden Bull also were noted. The West LA Traffic Engineer, Mo Blorfroshan, will be contacted and asked to investigate.
Old Business:
?¼ Prop K Project. Alejandro Ortiz has been commended by the City Engineer for his pro bono design of a low-impact stairway system connecting the parking lot with the picnic area. We are awaiting a status report from the City as to when work will begin on components of the project that have been designed and approved by the committee. We are waiting for the final meeting to complete review of remaining plans.
?¼ Newsletter Planning. Lucinda Mittleman will coordinate preparation of stories for the next Newsletter. Planned stories include the Prop K
Project, Canyon School update, Traffic Study update, a profile of graffiti fighter Joan Graves, and a leaf blower law reminder. Greer Macready, Joan Graves and Quentin Fleming will assist with the mailing. Reporters will include Jill Baldauf. George Wolfberg will transfer digital text and photos to the Newsletter template.
?¼ Neighborhood Traffic Study. The Department of Transportation has been requested to give us an update on the DOT bullets in the study. The study manager is on vacation and no reply was received. Lucinda Mittleman noted that the issue of the crosswalk for bus passengers near Stassi Lane had been left off the list. It was restored and an update will be requested.
?¼ Vision Statement. The vision statement, attached, was briefly discussed and continued in the absence of Jill Soffer, Mike Deasy and Alejandro Ortiz. Height limits and fencing were discussed/
?¼ Tree Planting. No update available.
?¼ Web Site. We have renewed our domain name,, for two more years.
?¼ Membership status. Paid membership is now 233.
Other Business. Leslie Hope indicated that Tracey Fishler is residing in Santa Monica, no longer employed in the Canyon and indicated that she no longer felt connected to Canyon issues. The President stated that he took this as a resignation from the board. Her insight and knowledge of Canyon activities gained in her position with Patrick’s Roadhouse made her a valued member of the board and she will be missed.
Upon motion of Barbara Archibald, nominating committee chair, the board unanimously approved the addition of Jerriann Fleming and Quentin Fleming to the board.
Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25.
NOTE CHANGE OF DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: October 14 in the Gallery Room.