Minutes June 3.
The minutes from June 3, 2003 were approved without changes.
Treasurers report
Savings $2,282.09
Checking $564.55
Certificate $11,576.32
Total $14, 422.96
Selection of an Assistant Treasurer
Walt Turowsky has been in the hospital and Marilyn Wexler was selected to become the assistant treasurer for the association.
Vehicles on the Park lawn area at night.
A new “woodcrete” fence has been installed to keep vehicles off of the lawn area in the front of the park.
Old Business.
>Prop. K Project. LVNOC will meet on 8/7 and will have actual plans to review.
>Neighborhood Traffic Study Implementation. No update.
>Discussion of alternatives for planning residential development in Santa Monica Cyn. A lengthy discussion of alternatives for planning residential development in the Canyon was held.
-Jill Soffer reported on the recent Brentwood Park Community Council meeting, with handout. The handout outlined some options such as Residential Height Districts that could be enacted if the community supported such measures.
-George reviewed FAR for selected houses in the canyon and stated that 50% appeared to be a tipping point. Also mentioned was the state law that permits “Granny-flats” in residential areas. George will obtain the city policies regarding these projects, if any exist..
-It was the unanimous consensus of the board to develop a vision statement that would reflect issues of the cultural history of the canyon, keeping the canyon green, FAR, residential landscaping and parking. [Please see draft summary below]
-It was decided to address this in the next newsletter.
-George will contact Cindy Miscikowski’s. Office to request a speaker for the next BOD meeting regarding these issues.
>Tree planting update. George presented an update on the status of the park trees. The next step is to mark out locations and trees for the unshaded picnic area.
>Membership update. There are currently 231 members.
The next meeting will be held on September 9, 2003.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.