Pacific Palisades Community Council; Alternate position is currently open for District 7. The permanent delegate position for District 7 comes up for election in September. George will contact Jeannie Gold regarding the alternate position.
At the last BOD meeting it was discussed that those BOD members that do not have email be paired up with a BOD member who does, so that they can be informed of emails by telephone. Leslie Hope will contact Alex Man. Lisa Macready will contact Babs Lebowsky and Asta Young.
The following committees and members were appointed by the President.
-Nominating committee: Jill Baldauf, Judy Golden, Barbara Archibald
-Newsletter committee: George Wolfberg (editor), Marilyn Wexler. The newsletter will try to go out twice yearly.***
**Asta has volunteered to write something regarding leafblowers and Jill has volunteered to write an article about the Canyon Charter School.
-Planning and Zoning committee: George will send an email out to members for volunteers.
-Neighborhood watch committee: Babs Lebowsky, Cynthia Winter
-Traffic committee: Leslie Hope, Judy Golden, Greer Macready
Leslie attended the most recent W.LA traffic committee meeting. There was discussion about going forth with the request for additional parking on Entrada, made by the homeowner at 600 Entrada (Mark Landay). Much discussion followed and the following email was given out for the contact person at the Department of Transportation, WLA.
Pauline Chan
Motion: A motion was made and seconded that President Wolfberg write to Ms. Chan expressing the association opposes any additional parking on the area of Entrada concerned.
The board was encouraged to email their own personal objections to Ms. Chan also.