After several meetings about the community and the front entrance, I am still uncertain about its' destiny. One thing I am certain of, it's gonna get cold sooner or later. After reading the recent mailing of the Berlin newsletter, at least I can look forward to cleaner streets when it snows, according to the newsletter. The township is getting a new, smaller plow truck to negotiate the neighborhood streets better. That money comes from a variety of sources, including your license plate tag fees, believe it or not. I checked my status with the state and found out (after calling 800-589-TAGS or 614-752-7800) that since my mailing address (and yours) is Lewis Center, that I am registered as a resident of Orange township. This is because Lewis Center is in Orange township, but for all of use in Shadow Creek it should be changed to Berlin township, so the money goes where it should to help pay for things like snow plows, street maintenance, and other related items. I called the number and it was easy enough to get changed over the phone, so I encourage everyone to make it right - it can only benefit our neighborhood. Happy Thanksgiving!