Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council

SONC By-Laws

By-Laws of the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council


The name of this organization shall be the SHERMAN OAKS NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL (SONC).


The mission of the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council shall be:

A. To engage the broad spectrum of SONC stakeholders for collaboration and deliberation on matters affecting the community including events, issues and projects.

B. To work to achieve the objectives or projects that the SONC desires to support,

C. To monitor and promote the delivery of City services within Sherman Oaks,

D. To promote SONC stakeholder participation and advocacy in City government decision-making processes and to promote greater awareness of and achieve maximum utilization of available resources,

E. To be an advocate for the Sherman Oaks community to government and private agencies.

F. To present to the Mayor and the City Council a list of SONC priorities for the
City budget as per LAAC ordinance #172728 section 1, div. 22.

F. To take any other action that is, or may be, authorized for neighborhood
councils of the City of Los Angeles.


The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council (SONC) boundaries shall be established as follows:

1. Burbank Boulevard on the north*
2. Coldwater Canyon Avenue on the east**
3. Mulholland Drive on the south
4. The 405 Freeway on the west

*- The northern boundary of the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council will be Burbank Boulevard except for the commercial corridor on Van Nuys Boulevard between Burbank Boulevard and Magnolia Boulevard.

** The boundary on the east follows Coldwater Canyon south from Burbank Boulevard, where it follows the border between zip code 91604 and 91423 (Coldwater Canyon Avenue south to Kling Street, west to Van Noord Avenue, south to Sarah Street west to Ethel Avenue south to Valleyheart Drive west to Fulton Avenue south to Ventura BL east to Longridge Avenue south to the southern terminus of Longridge Avenue, and then a sight line from the southern terminus of Longridge Avenue to the intersection of Split Rock Road and Mulholland Drive.


SECTION 1: NON-DISCRIMINATION: The SONC will encourage all Stakeholders to participate in its activities, and will not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, income, citizenship status, or political affiliation in any of its policies.

SECTION 2: CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND APPLICABLE LAWS: The SONC shall be subject to any or all applicable sections of federal, state and local laws, as well as the City of Los Angeles Government Ethics Ordinance (Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 49.5.1).

SECTION 3: RESTRICTION ON POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS: The SONC shall not participate in, or interfere in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office, by election or appointment. This restriction shall not be interpreted to forbid informational events such as candidate’s forums.


SECTION 1: DEFINITION: Membership is open to all stakeholders. A stakeholder is defined as any individual who lives, works, owns a business or owns property within SONC boundaries. In addition, stakeholders are those persons who participate in, among other things, educational institutions, religious institutions, community organizations or non-profit organizations.


SECTION 1: The Governing Body of the SONC shall consist of a Board of Directors which shall be comprised of twenty-one (21) elected stakeholder Neighborhood Council Representatives (Directors), as defined below. In accordance with the Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils (“The Plan”), no single Community Stakeholder group shall comprise a majority of the governing body of SONC.


A. Residential Stakeholder Representatives (RSR): An RSR shall be any person who lives or whose residence is in an area as defined in Appendix “A”. There shall be one RSR elected in each of the seven (7) designated areas listed in Appendix “A” attached hereto.

B. Business Stakeholder Representative (BSR): A BSR shall be any person who works, owns a business, owns property in an area as defined in an area as defined in Appendix A. There shall be one BSR elected in each of the seven (7) areas designated in Appendix “A” attached hereto.

C. AT-LARGE STAKEHOLDER REPRESENTATIVE (ASR): An ASR shall be any person who identifies himself/herself as a Stakeholder as defined in Article V not solely because of Residential Stakeholder or a Business Stakeholder status. ASR stakeholders include but are not limited to participation in educational institutions, religious institutions, community organizations or non-profit organizations. ASRs shall not be solely based on membership in a homeowners or business related organization. There shall be one ASR elected in each of the seven (7) areas designated in Appendix “A” attached hereto.

SECTION 3: Election of Representatives and Alternates

A. Alternates: For each Representative referred to in Article V, Section 2 above, one (1) Alternate shall be selected. The Alternate Representative shall be encouraged to attend all SONC meetings. The Alternate Representative shall be a voting Board member at any SONC Board meeting from which the Representative is absent. If a Representative resigns or is removed from office, the Alternate Representative shall therefore become the Representative for the current term.

B. Initial Election of Representatives and Alternates: Following certification of SONC by the City of Los Angeles Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (“DONE”), all Twenty-One (21) Representatives and all Twenty-One (21) Alternates shall be elected at an Election Day of the Neighborhood Council. Those Representatives elected in odd-numbered areas (as designated in Appendix “A”) shall serve from the date the election until June 30, 2003. Those Representatives elected in even-numbered areas (as designated in Appendix “A”) shall serve from the date of the election until June 30, 2004. For each of the twenty-one (21) persons receiving the highest number of votes in the initial election of RSRs, BSRs, and ASRs, those persons shall serve as the Representatives for the terms described above. The person receiving the second highest number of votes in each election shall become the Alternate Representative. The term of the Alternate Representative shall be concurrent with that of the Representative.

C. Subsequent Elections of Representatives and Alternatives: Subsequent to the expiration of the terms described in Section A above, elections shall be held prior to June 30 of each year. In even-numbered years, an election shall be held for Representatives and Alternates for each of the areas designated on Attachment A as 2, 4, and 6. In odd-numbered years, an election shall be held for Representatives and Alternates for each of the areas designated on Attachment A as 1, 3, 5, and 7.

D. Term of Office: Subject to Section A, B, and C, each Representative and Alternate shall serve for a term of two (2) years beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of the second year. Representatives and Alternates may serve a maximum of 4 terms consecutively. This should not be interpreted that Stakeholders may not serve again after a term out of office.

E. Stakeholder Voting: Each Stakeholder shall select one of the seven (7) geographic areas, based on stakeholder status, as stated in Article V, in which he/she will cast his/her vote for an RSR, BSR, and ASR to represent that geographic area.

F. Removal: Subject to the guidance and approval of the City Attorney an RSR, BSR, or ASR SONC Representative or Alternate may be removed or replaced for the following reasons:

1. Unexcused Absences: A SONC Representative who has three consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings or 50% unexcused absences during a 12-month period. In order to avoid unexcused absences, the SONC President or presiding officer must approve absences.

2. Change or Loss of Stakeholder Status: A Representative or Alternate who is no longer a Stakeholder in the category for which they were elected, as defined in Article 6, Section 2, shall be automatically removed as a SONC Representative or Alternate.

3. Resignation By Representative: In the case of the resignation or removal of a Representative’s resignation or removal, the Alternate Representative shall become the Representative for the remainder of the Representative’s elected term. In the event that the Alternate Representative is removed or unable to serve, the President of the SONC shall nominate a replacement to be seated upon approval of a majority of the SONC Representatives voting. The replacement shall serve for the remainder of the term of the office being filled.
4. Removal by Council Action: A Representative or Alternate may be removed
by the submission of a written petition which 1) identifies the Representative/Alternate to be removed, 2) describes in detail the reason for removal, and 3) includes the signatures of 100 stakeholders of the elected Representative or Alternate’s area.

The Secretary shall then have the matter placed on the agenda for a hearing by the Board of Directors at the next regular SONC meeting pursuant to the procedure set forth below:

(1) The Representative or Alternate shall be given a minimum of fifteen (15) days’ prior notice of the proposed removal and the reasons for the proposed removal. Any Notice given by mail shall be sent by first class and registered mail to the Representative or Alternate’s last known address.
(2) The Representative or Alternate shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either orally or in writing. The hearing shall be held, or the written statement considered, before the Board of Directors.
(3) The Board of Directors shall decide whether or not the Representative or Alternate should be removed. Any removal of a Representative or Alternate pursuant to this subsection shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors present, including the vote of the Representative being considered for removal.

SECTION 4: HOLDING MULTIPLE OFFICES: No one shall hold more than one office within the SONC at one time. No one shall serve as a representative when said person is holding an elected office in the Los Angeles City government.


SECTION 1: OFFICERS: The Officers of the Board of Directors (“the Officers”) shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Parliamentarian. The Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors as delineated in Section 2 of this Article. All Officers must be members of the Board of Directors.


1. Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors from among their members at the first initial meeting following any election of Board Members.

2. If there are more than two candidates for an office and none receives a
majority of the votes on the first election, a run-off election shall be held
immediately between the two candidates receiving the highest number of

3. No Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson shall serve more than two
Consecutive one-year terms in said office.

4. At any meeting when the Chairperson is absent, the presiding officer for
such a meeting shall be the Vice-Chairperson and in the absence of both
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the presiding officer shall be the

5. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of Chairperson, the
Vice-Chairperson shall become the Chairperson for the remainder of the
current term. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of
Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer of Secretary, the presiding officer shall
Nominate a replacement that shall be seated after approval by a majority of the Board of Directors present. The replacement shall serve the
Remaining portion of the term of the office being filled.


A. Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be the principal officer of the SONC and shall be the presiding officer at meetings of the SONC and shall exercise and perform such other duties as the SONC may assign from time to time or as the Bylaws may prescribe.
B. Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chairperson shall act as a presiding officer in the absence of the Chairperson and, in case of vacancy in the office of Chairperson, or in the case of the Chairperson’s unavailability due to sickness, disability, death, or resignation, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson and when so acting shall have all the powers and perform such other duties as the Board of Directors or the Bylaws may prescribe. The Vice-Chairperson shall be responsible for the oversight of all committees designated by the Board of Directors. The Vice-Chairperson shall perform all other duties as the Chairperson or the Board of Directors may assign from time to time.
C. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep the books and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of transactions of SONC. The books and records, including books of accounts, shall be open to inspection by any Representative or Stakeholders of the SONC at all reasonable times. All books of accounts shall be kept in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”).
D. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the SONC; see that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; be custodian of the records of SONC; perform all other duties as requested by the Chairperson and/or the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep the Bylaws and Standing Rules up to date and shall keep an official list of all Representatives, Alternates, and Committee Members and their terms, and keep a register of the addresses (including electronic address, if applicable) and telephone numbers of each Representative and Alternate. The Board of Directors shall appoint an Assistant Secretary who shall assist the Secretary with all duties and act in his or her absence.
E. Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall ensure that meetings of SONC follow Robert’s Rules of Order or such other rules as the Board of Directors adopts (insofar as such rules are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or with the law). The Parliamentarian shall ensure the meetings are undertaken in an expeditious manner and shall be the timekeeper, ensuring that all speakers speak within the required time frames.


SECTION 1: MEETING PROCEDURES: The Board of Directors shall hold as many meetings that it desires, but shall hold meetings at a minimum of once per calendar quarter. All SONC meetings, including General Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings and Committee meetings, shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order or such other rules as the Board of Directors adopts insofar as such rules are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or with the law.

SECTION 2: BROWN ACT REQUIREMENTS: SONC Board of Directors and Officers shall abide by all California statutes relative to public meetings and public records. All meetings, as defined by the Act, are open and public, and shall allow Stakeholders and the public the opportunity to speak during SONC meetings.

SECTION 3: NOTICES: All meetings, as defined by the Act, will be publicized within the Neighborhood Council boundaries in accordance with the Act, local and state law, and with Section 4 of this Article. The notice will specify the time and place at which the meeting will be held, and an agenda containing a brief description of all the items of business to be discussed at the meeting. The notice and agenda may be contained in a single document.

Failure to receive a meeting notice does not invalidate the meeting. However, the provisions of the Act and these Sections must be compiled with in good faith.

SECTION 4: POSTING AND MAILING AGENDAS: All posting shall be made in accordance with the Brown Act. Notification of all meetings, as defined by the Act, shall include posting at a minimum of five (5) public locations, as indicated on the public posting log filed with the SONC application. In addition, posting shall be made on the DONE and Neighborhood Council Web sites and delivered to any newspaper requesting a copy at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting, except when a Special Meeting is called in which case the Agenda will be posted at the above described at least 24 hours in advance of the Special Meeting.

SECTION 5: MINUTES: Within seven (7) business days following each regular SONC meeting, or as the Board of Directors otherwise directs, minutes of the meeting shall be sent by mail, fax or electronic mail to all Board of Directors and such others in the community as the SONC directs.

SECTION 6: RECONSIDERATION: The Board of Directors may reconsider and amend its action on items listed on the agenda if that reconsideration takes place immediately following the original action or at the next regular SONC meeting. The Board of Directors, on either of these two days, shall (1) Make a Motion for Reconsideration and, if approved, (2) hear the matter and Take an Action. If the motion to reconsider an action is to be scheduled at the next meeting following the original action, then two items shall be placed on the agenda for that meeting: (1) A Motion for Reconsideration on the described matter and (2) a [Proposed] Action should that motion to reconsider be approved. A Director who had previously voted with the prevailing side against the original action may make a Motion for Reconsideration. If a motion for reconsideration is not made on the date the action was taken, then a Director on the prevailing side of the action must submit a memorandum to the Secretary identifying the matter to be reconsidered and a brief description of the reason(s) for the requesting reconsideration at the next reconsideration at the next regular meeting. The aforesaid shall all be in compliance with the Brown Act.


SECTION 1: COMMITTEES: SONC shall have both standing and ad hoc committees. The Board of Directors by resolution may designate or terminate one or more committees and provide for the manner of appointing members for each committee. Each Committee, with the specific exception of the Executive Committee, shall include at least one stakeholder who is not an elected member of the Board of Directors.

A. Standing Committees: Standing committees are listed in Section 6.
B. Ad hoc Committees: Ad hoc committees shall be formed as necessary.
C. All committees shall, with the exception of the executive committee, be
overseen by the Vice-Chairperson of the Council.

SECTION 2: COMMITTEE STRUCTURE: All SONC committees, subcommittees, and/or ad hoc committees shall be made up of Stakeholders that are elected, selected, or appointed in a manner to be determined by the Board of Directors, as the need arises. The institution of any permanent or standing committee(s) shall be amended within these Bylaws. Any and all committees established or disbanded shall be so noted in the minutes by the Secretary. The Board of Directors, by motion, may designate or terminate one or more committees and provide for the manner of approving members for each committee. Each committee may include non-elected stakeholders.

SECTION 3: TERM OF OFFICE: Each member of a committee, subcommittee and/or ad hoc committee shall serve one year terms, subject to reappointment, unless the committee, subcommittee and/or ad hoc committee is terminated sooner, or a member is removed from the committee, subcommittee and/or pursuant to the same removal procedure as set forth in Article VI, Section 3.E of these Bylaws.

SECTION 4: CHAIRPERSON: The SONC Chairperson shall designate a member of the Board of Directors to serve as a Chairperson for each SONC committee and subcommittee. The SONC Chairperson shall appoint a SONC Stakeholder (not necessarily a Board member) to be the Chairperson of any ad hoc committee.

SECTION 5: VACANCIES: Vacancies on any committee, subcommittee and/or ad hoc committee may be filled by appointment made by the Committee Chairperson with the Concurrence of the Officers of the SONC.

SECTION 6: STANDING COMMITTEES: The following standing committees shall be created by SONC:
A. Executive Committee
B. Rules and Elections Committee
C. Finance Committee
D. Community Outreach and Communications Committee
E. Government Relations Committee
F. Event Planning Committee
G. Land Use and Planning Committee


A. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Council and two members of the Board of Directors appointed each month on a rotating basis. At least four (4) members of the Executive Committee shall be present to conduct an Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Committee shall set the agenda for the Board, Executive committee, and SONC general meetings. It shall act as administrative body for the SONC. It shall recommend actions to the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall also have the authority of the Board of Directors to make decisions on emergency and routine business items, and shall report all such actions and decisions to the Board, which may modify or reverse such actions or decisions upon a majority decision.

B. Rules and Elections Committee: Chaired by the Parliamentarian. This committee organizes, oversees and executes general SONC elections. It oversees enforcement of and amendments to standing rules as necessary. This committee establishes a Nominations Sub-committee as necessary. The committee informs the Board of Directors of all elections rules and procedures, and reports at Council meetings on any changes to these that it has adopted.

C. Finance Committee: Chaired by the Treasurer. This committee oversees
and administers all SONC financial matters, including a system of financial accountability as required by DONE.

D. Communications and Community Outreach Committee: SONC will establish procedures for communicating with all Neighborhood Council stakeholders on a regular basis in a manner ensuring that information is disseminated evenly and in a timely manner. Chaired by a member of the Board of Directors, this committee shall undertake the effort of setting up communication to SONC stakeholders as required under the Plan.

E. Government Relations Committee: Chaired by a member of the Board of Directors, this committee shall fulfill City Oversight functions and liaise with City and other governmental entities.

F. Event Planning Committee: Chaired by a member of the Board of Directors, this committee shall oversee the planning of Council meetings and special events.

G. Land Use and Planning Committee: Chaired by a member of the Board of Directors, this committee shall receive and review public input, report on and make recommendations of action to the Board of Directors on any land use and planning issues affecting the SONC community.


SECTION 1: QUORUM: A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be required to conduct general SONC meetings. A quorum shall consist of 11 Board members present.

SECTION 2: VOTING: In order for the Board to take action, a majority vote of the Board members present is required.

a. The presiding officer may vote on all motions
b. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.
c. The Alternate Representative may vote only when the Representative is absent.
d. A majority is determined only b affirmative and negative votes.
e. Abstentions shall be counted as a “no” vote in the voting tally.


Proposals for amendments, changes, additions and/or deletions to the SONC Bylaws may be made by the Representatives to the Board of Directors at regular SONC Board meetings Any Stakeholder(s) may also make a proposal for amendment, change, addition or deletion to the SONC Bylaws during the public comment period of regular SONC Board meeting. A proposal to amend the Bylaws, however, must then be formalized in writing and filed with the Secretary or person responsible for preparing the agenda for the next regular meeting. The proposed amendment will be placed on the next two consecutive agendas for public discussion at the next two consecutive council meetings.

A recommendation for amendment, change(s), addition(s), and/or deletion(s) of the Bylaws requires an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors voting affirmative or negative. Thereafter, and within fourteen (14) days after a vote recommending amendment, change, addition, and/or deletion to the Bylaws, a Notice of Proposed Adjustment of Bylaws shall be submitted to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment along with a copy of the existing Bylaws for review and approval by the Department all in accordance with Article V (3) of the Plan.


SECTION 1: ELIGIBILITY TO GRIEVE: Any person or group who objects to a decision or policy of believes that they are adversely affected by a decision or policy of the SONC may file a complaint in writing with the Chairperson of the SONC. The SONC Board of Directors shall resolve the complaint or take appropriate action and advise the complainant of the outcome. This formal grievance process is not intended to apply to Stakeholders who simply disagree with a position or action taken by the Board of Directors. Those grievances can be aired at council Board Meetings. This grievance process is intended to address matters involving procedural disputes (e.g., the Board of Directors’ failure to comply with Board of Directors Rules or these Bylaws) or its failure to comply with the City’s Charter, the Plan, local ordinances (and amendments) and/or State and federal law.

In the event that a grievance cannot be resolved through this grievance process, then matter may be referred to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment for consideration or dispute resolution in accordance with the Plan.

SECTION 2: COMPLAINT RECEIPT: Within ten (10) days of receipt of the complaint, a grievance committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson and shall arrange with the petitioner for a mutually acceptable place, day, and hour for a review of the complaint, and will, within sixty (60), recommend a resolution of the grievance to the Grievance Committee.

SECTION 3: FINAL RESOLUTION: The Grievance Committee shall attempt to resolve the complaint and shall submit a report of their recommendation and/or action to the complainant, and SONC membership. If the Grievance Committee and petitioner cannot reach agreement, final resolution of the complaint shall be by a vote of the majority of the membership at a general or special meeting. Parties involved are encouraged to request mediation assistance from DONE. Complainants ultimately have the right to appeal the decision to DONE.


The Board of Directors shall provide for the establishment of such funds and accounts as are necessary or convenient for the transaction of the business and activities of the SONC, and for the designation of the persons authorized to disburse moneys from any fund or account (“Authorized Persons”). In addition to the accounting practices outlined in these Bylaws GAAP will be used. All such funds and accounts shall be in a single federally or state chartered financial institution located in the City of Los Angeles, California. All such funds and accounts shall provide for the disbursement of funds only upon approval by the Chairperson and the signature of the Treasurer and any other Authorized Person(s). All moneys of the SONC from whatever sources derived shall, except as otherwise provided in any grant or other agreement relating to such funds, be deposited into a fund or account in the name the SONC. The Treasurer shall have charge of all accounting for and safeguarding the funds and accounts of the SONC. Disbursement of SONC funds may occur only after written authorization by the Chairperson of the SONC. Appropriation of moneys of the council shall be made only by a duly adopted resolution of the Board of Directors stating the amount to be expended or disbursed (which may be expressed as a “not to exceed” amount) and the payee.

The Treasurer shall submit account statements to DONE no less than once and no more than twice during each fiscal year, on the dates prescribed by DONE. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council agrees to comply with all the financial accountability requirements as specified by City Ordinance 174006 and as stated in the City’s Certification Application. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council further agrees to comply with all financial reporting requirements as prescribed by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.


To ensure accountability of the Board of Directors to the SONC Stakeholders, the following procedures are established:

A. Initiative: An Initiative is a procedure by which Voting Stakeholders may directly petition for a proposal and secure its submission to the SONC community for approval. Any SONC Voting Stakeholder may put forth an Initiative by presenting a petition to the Executive Committee or the Board of Officers with one hundred signatures of Stakeholders supporting the motion. The petition shall include a statement of two hundred fifty (250) words or less outlining the purpose and content of the Initiative.

• Receipt of this completed petition by the Executive Committee or the Board of shall trigger this time being scheduled as an action item on the agenda at the next SONC General Meeting to be held not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days following receipt of the completed petition. Notice of the Initiative, including the outline statement of 250 words or less, shall be made in all public meeting notices and announcements for the upcoming meeting at which the Initiative shall be voted on.
• Passage of the Initiative requires 1) a majority vote of the SONC Voting Stakeholders present at the SONC General Meeting, not to be less than fifty (50) votes in favor of the Initiative and 2) ratification by the SONC Board of Directors.
• If the Initiative passes, the Voting Stakeholders who put forth the Initiative must be willing to chair and/organize an ad-hoc committee (when appropriate) to carry out the action of the Initiative, if so directed by the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.
• The Initiative process does not apply to Amendments of these By-Laws.


SECTION 1: MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF ARTICLES AND BYLAWS: The principal office for the SONC shall be listed with DONE.

The accounting books, records, and minutes of proceedings of the Board of Directors and any committee, subcommittee, and/or ad hoc committee of the SONC shall be kept at such place or places designated by the Officers of the SONC or, in the absence of such designation, at the principal Executive office of the SONC. The minutes shall be kept in written or typed form or in any other form capable of being converted into written, typed or printed form.

SECTION 3: INSPECTION BY STAKEHOLDERS: SONC will comply with the Public Records Act. In addition, Stakeholders in the SONC shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time to inspect all books, records, and documents of the neighborhood council.

SECTION 4: ANNUAL REPORT: The Board of Directors shall provide to the SONC within 120 days after the close of its fiscal year, a report containing the following information in reasonable detail:

A. The assets and liabilities, including the trust funds, during the fiscal year, as of the end of the fiscal year;
B. The principal changes in assets and liabilities, including trust funds, during the fiscal year;
C. The SONC financial revenue or receipts for the year.
D. The SONC expenses for the year.


(each containing roughly equal stakeholder populations)

Area 1 Bounded by: Burbank Boulevard (N)*
101 Freeway (S)
Van Nuys Boulevard (E)
405 Freeway (W)

Area 2 Bounded by: Burbank Boulevard (N)*
101 Freeway (S)
Woodman Avenue (E)
Van Nuys Boulevard (W)

Area 3 Bounded by: Burbank Boulevard (N)
101 Freeway (S)
Coldwater Canyon Boulevard (E)
Woodman Avenue (W)

Area 4 Bounded by: 101 Freeway (N)
Ventura Boulevard (S)
Hazeltine Avenue (E)
405 Freeway (W)

Area 5 Bounded by: 101 Freeway (N)
Ventura Boulevard (S)
91423-91604 Border (E) **
Hazeltine Avenue (W)

Area 6 Bounded by: Ventura Boulevard (N)
Mulholland Drive (S)
Beverly Glen (E)
405 Freeway (W)

Area 7 Bounded by: Ventura Boulevard (N)
Mulholland Drive (S)
91423-91604 border (E) **
Beverly Glen (W)

* - The commercial corridor of Van Nuys Boulevard between Burbank and Magnolia is excluded from the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council area.

Posted by herbmoor on 06/26/2004
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