Silver Creek HOA

Silver Creek Newsletter June 2003

Jun 13, 2003

Three Openings on the Board of Directors

Three positions on the Silver Creek Board of Directors will be open as of July 26, 2003. Each position will serve a two-year term.

Serving on the Board is an excellent way to serve your own community and make a difference.

Nominations must be made, and seconded by your neighbors within Silver Creek. Nominations are due to the Secretary, Angela Springer in writing prior to July 15. Please see mailing address to the left. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the Annual Open Meeting, July 26 in which the elections will take place.

Open Annual Meeting ?– Please Attend!

Please mark your calendar to attend THE Annual Open Meeting on Saturday, July 26,2003 at 10 a.m. at Northeast Christian Church. The Silver Creek Subdivision Residents?’ Association needs all homeowners to attend to provide a quorum to elect new board members. With three positions open, your vote really counts. Homeowners unavailable to attend may provide a written proxy to have a neighbor place your votes. However, with nominations being taken from the floor of the meeting, your best vote is the one you place in person.
Financial information will also be available to all homeowners in attendance.
This is the ONE meeting you should not miss!

Block Watch News

The Silver Creek Block Watch program is just beginning and it is a great time to get involved in your neighborhood!
There have been some reports of vandalism within Silver Creek and hopefully, these incidents can be kept to a minimum with everyone?’s assistance.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Silver Creek Block Watch, please email or call us! Contact information is to the left.
If you were unable to attend the initial meeting held on May 31st, you can still get involved. The next meeting will be in late June.

Common Deed Restrictions

Upon purchasing our homes in Silver Creek we were all made aware that this is a deed restricted subdivision, and we are required to adhere to these deed restrictions. If you need a copy of the deed restrictions, please contact us!
At the open meeting in April, many of our neighbors expressed the concern that they commonly see the deed restrictions being violated and suggested that we provide a listing of the common violations.

1.Parking on the street.

2.Failure to maintain the yard and landscape of your home.

3.Failure to obtain authorization before installing fences and other significant landscape changes.

4.Pet owners not cleaning up after their pets.

5.Parking of commercial and/or recreational vehicles within Silver Creek. They are allowed in a garage.

Capital Improvements

The Board is currently working on a few capital improvements for the subdivision.
Water at the front entrance has become a priority in trying to maintain the vegetation that we have. This has been a longer process then originally planned, but we should soon have water!
The other capital improvement in the works involves the perimeter, privacy fence. Many of the areas of the fence needs new wood and fence posts. Additionally, there are areas that are eroded and need to be filled. The board is gathering bids for the work, and we will keep you posted.

Voting on New By-Laws ?– We Need Your Vote!

The current Board of Directors has been diligently re-writing the By-Laws, which serves as the governing document of the Silver Creek Residents?’ Association Inc. Please look for the completed document, as well as a mail-in ballot, in your U.S. mailbox by the end of June. The by-laws, as they are currently written, protect the developer and are now outdated. Please know that we need all homeowners to return the mail-in ballot in order to have a valid, complete vote and to put the new by-laws in place!

Trash ?– Won?’t you join us?

Most of your Silver Creek neighbors have switched their trash service to Industrial Disposal (ID) and are saving money, why aren?’t you? Wouldn?’t it be nice to only have one trash company?’s trucks rolling down our streets each week? Call ID now at 638-9000; simply tell them you want the special Silver Creek rate of $9.40/month. You must also call your existing trash service to cancel your service and request a refund of any pre-payments.

P.O. Box 1432
Crestwood, KY

Sonny Myers
Prudential Parks & Weisberg



Board of Directors:
Acting President
Chela Miller*

Angela Springer

William Yates

Beth Wallace*

* Board members whose term expires in July 2003.

June 15
Annual Maintenance Fee Bills sent

July 15
Annual Maintenance Fee of $144 Due

Written nominations For Board positions due to Secretary (see page 1).

Saturday, July 26
Open Annual Meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Elect new Board of Directors!
Held at Northeast Christian Church

Great Job!

Many thanks to the Beautification Committee on their very hard work at the front entrance. It looks great!

Also, great job to the Social Committee for organizing a terrific garage sale day for Silver Creek!

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