We are trying to put together a neighborhood directory.
If you are interested in being included please let us know by forwarding us your information.
There are many ways to get the information to us. Bring it to the annual meeting and give it to the person with the Social committee, email your information to us at www.silvercreekneighborhood@yahoo.com,
or send your information to the PO Box.
We are notsure what information will be included. However, if you would like to be included, we do need your name, address, and phone number.
Optional information that we are considering, is teenagers that babysit, kids who cut lawns. Also, age groups of children you have in your home, which may be helpful to others moving in so that you can plan a play date with children in your child's play group.
Another suggestion was to include your occupation. The reason it was thought that this may be helpful was so that if someone is looking for someone in your field that it may be helpful to find people in our neighborhood.
This would mean that we could stop trying to look up our neighbors phone numbers, and find helpful things in our subdivision.
Also, please include whether or not we can post your information on this site.
I am thinking of the possibilities with people moving in/out of the area if we kept a printable version on the site, you could update your phone listing as needed.
Email us