City representatives, local property and business owners, and concerned citizens formed a task force in November 2005 to establish a community-based advocacy group to support and promote the improvement of the Federal Boulevard corridor.
After several months of meetings, the task force is ready to report back to our community on ways identified that we might all work together to improve Federal Boulevard. Please join us in planning and making decisions so that this new community organization can positively impact your property or business.
• Recommend and vote on an organizational structure
• Propose a vision for the group focused on revitalizing the Federal Boulevard corridor
• Outline short and long-range goals:
• Zoning issues
• Safety issues
• Inform the community of ongoing & proposed development
• Identify and prioritize action items
• Recruit members to be involved
Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 at 6:30p.m.
INVESCO Field at Mile High
West Club Lounge
Directions: Park in Lot J or C, enter the stadium through Gate 2.
Take the elevator to Level 3.
Councilman Rick Garcia, Commander David Quinones and Officer Joe Engelbert from Denver Police District One will be in attendance.
Call Marshall Vanderburg for more information at 303.458.6231