Lyn Burns, Coordinator for PeopleLink, will be a guest speaker at our SGCA meeting to introduce us to this project. "Time Dollar" programs such as PeopleLink are already well-established in Longmont/Boulder, Douglas County and in Mesa County. "In January 1999, PeopleLink, Volunteer Community Cooperative, will begin its volunteer service exchange program in metropolitan Denver.... If you serve as a volunteer in a ''''Time Dollar'''' program, you earn credits for the time you spend helping other members. One hour of service earns you one credit - a service credit (or a ''''Time Dollar''''). With that credit, you can ''''buy'''' an hour of a particular service that you need" (quoted from literature provided by PeopleLink). Service possibilities range from yard work to computer services to ironing to nursing home visits.
Sounds like a great program - We hope to see you at the meeting.