Ten years ago, volunteers started cleaning up the San Antonio River. The event has also grown to include other creek ways, and this year (Sat, Mar 20) will also include the Indian Creek. SWCA will host that effort. Volunteers should meet at 5620 Old Pearsall Rd (graveled area on the east side of the bridge along Old Pearsall Rd, between the creek and the mobile home park). Bring your own gloves and dress for dirty work, rain or shine. Trash bags, a free lunch and a free T-shirt will be provided for all volunteers. Registration is from 8?—9 AM; Clean-up from 9 AM?—Noon; and Noon?—1 PM is a free lunch, T-shirt giveaway and festivities. For those unable to do much physical labor, we still need help to provide a smooth event. Please call 623-4965 with questions or to volunteer. We need a good idea of how many people will participate by (Wed, Mar 17) so we know how many lunches and T-shirts to get.
NOTE: "Basura" is Spanish for "trash".