About the upkeep of the fence line along Jonesville rd. We have had a professional landscaper come out and cut the bushes back from the fence about a month ago. The bushes are in the easement area along the fence which all homeowners have on there property. It states in the CC&R's that
the first 2 homes should keep all plantings cut back by 30 ft from the road so it doesn't obstruct the vision of traffic. If you live along the Jonesville Rd and have planted your own plants among the bush line please keep them trimmed back as well. We have seen several growing through the fence and on the fence. We need to keep them at least 1 foot from the fence and don't let any vines grow up on the fence Please.
Also don't put grass clippings in the ditches by the pond or along Jonesville rd.
When the clippings decay they smell and grow more weeds in the aresa we are trying to clean up.
Our common areas hve come along way since
we took over a year ago lets keep going in the right direction with them.