A free advertising service for neighborhood association members.Accounting and Taxes: Candace Avis -- small business specialists -- 380-9513
Accountant: Julie Yoo Koser, CPA, MSBA -- small business accounting and tax specialists -- 591-1117
Baby-sitting: Allison Koehler -- has taken memorial Hospital's baby-sitter's's course -- 380-8273
Baskets: Ruth Wood -- independent Longaberger Consultant -- 380-0847
Bookkeeping: Tammy Harold -- payroll, A/R, A/P, full charge, computerized services -- 591-5237
Creative Memories: Julie Brantley, Creative Memories Consultant -- coordinate a class with friends and neighbors or get supplies -- 591-9805
Collectible Baskets, Pottery & More: Candice Winterberg -- all items beautifully handcrafted by Longaberger -- 380-7487
Daycare: Angela Montgomery -- licensed daycare before and after school at reasonable rates -- 574-3618
Daycare: Muriel Tilton -- licensed daycare provided -- 574-6149
Daycare: Karen Bixler -- licensed daycare provided in Stetson Hills -- 591-1641
Daycare: Full or part-time, preschool age and up, before and after school and during breaks. Snacks, meals and transportation provided. 10+ years experience. References available -- 591-2540
Electrician: Homero Munoz -- licensed for any residential job big or small, discount for neighborhood -- 573-2506
Health Matters: Davina & Michael Overleas -- discover healthy solutions for today's life-styles and benefit from a nutritional program customized to meet your needs -- 638-8529
High School Tutor: Tiffany Sturgeon -- 638-8244
Housecleaning: Gayle Mahon -- Stetson Hills resident desires to provide professional, thorough, reliable housecleaning services, references provided -- 591-7662
Masters Touch Basket: Kathy Wenrich -- let us create a unique gourmet gift basket for your next occasion or gift. Prices ranging from $20 with a 10% discount of our profits donated to Chins Up -- 573-1099
Math Tutor: Rosemary Ferrarini -- Kindergartner thru precalculus -- 596-6362
Pampered Chef: Linda Gasteiger-Gavin, Independent Advanced Sales Director -- offering you a great selection of "Kitchen Tools of the 90's" -- 573-6955
Peachtree Baskets: Davina Overleas -- unique baskets and candles are excellent for home decorating, gift baskets and fund-raisers -- 638-8529
Piano Lessons: Pam Holloman -- for lessons in Stetson Hills beginner through advanced levels -- 380-7017
Piano Lessons: Julie Fahey -- for lessons in Stetson Hills -- 637-0107
Real Estate: Roger Worthy, M&M realty -- your neighborhood Realtor for buying, selling, and new construction, builder specialists -- 459-0547 or 260-1685
Responsible, Reliable Driveway Shoveling: Zach Brantley -- 13-year-old who will shovel your driveway this winter or available for pet-sitting in Area 3 only -- 591-9805
Rubber Stamps: Carol McDermott of Wildflower Stamp Company -- stamps for card making and scrapbooking. An in-home store with stamps from over 100 companies. Set up a time to shop -- 380-9461
Save...: Lou Joniak -- save up to 80% on Dental, 60% on Vision, 50% on Chiropractic Care & 50% on Prescription Drugs. $11.95 per month for an individual or $19.95 per month for the whole household USA wide! -- 570-7643
Thermomix: Heidi -- the complete Cuisine Machine providing a new, fun way of cooking for a healthier, easier way of life: -- 638-1833
Wholesale Dealer of Encyclopedias, Books and Magazines: "Library Book Co." -- 591-1774