Stetson Hills Neighborhood Association1, Name: 2. Address:3. Phone: (Your Name, Address, and Telephone will remain confidential)Below will be the portion of your concern that will be addressed to the appropriate subject• SHNA member will cut below the dotted line.
------------------------------Write in your neighborhood concern. Please print. Who: What:Where: When:Write your suggestion on how or what you would like done and when:
Neighborhood Concern
Stetson Hills Neighborhood Association
1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Phone:
(Your Name, Address, and Telephone will remain confidential)
Below will be the portion of your concern that will be addressed to the appropriate subject
Write in your neighborhood concern. Please print.
Write your suggestion on how or what you would like done and when:
Please state specific information:
1. Where?
2. What?
Email to SHNA