SPNA has started a new service for the neighborhood.....a Pets Registry!
We all love our pets so much and we think they will never go missing.... but, they do sometimes disappear. The SPNA Pets Registry will help us find a missing pet. Here's how it will work:
You register your pet by calling Kris Van Buren (we'll just call her our "Head Pet Lady" for now) at 463-0406 or you can email her at address below. Kris will ask you questions about your pet....name, description, tag info, etc. She will log this information into the registry.
Then, if your pet goes missing, you can call Kris and she'll alert the block captains in the neighborhood to be on the watch out for your pet.
SPNA Block Captains are out and about on their blocks and in the neighborhood regularly. They know what's going on in the neighborhood and they know people in their areas. They can pass the word that they're looking for your pet.
We hope that this will help return your pet to your home as soon as possible!
Many people who lose their loved pet post a sign on a utility pole in the neighborhood.
Most people don't know that the posting of those signs are illegal.
We hope that the Pets Registry will help you find your pet faster.....and help you not be in violation of a City Ordinance.
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