The Clean Sweep Dumpsters will be delivered on Monday, September 30th and will be picked up on Thursday, October 3rd.
At this point, we have scheduled three (3) of the dumpsters, All three will be placed on the WEST side of Terripin. They will be between Knoll and Kramer, Kramer and Kenwood, and Kenwood and Keal. Please drive carefully during these three days and watch for traffic on Terripin. The representative from the City of Mesa was out last week and picked these spots as the best place for placement and ease of delivery/pickup.
You will be able to discard any items or trash that you no longer need or want, however the following list are things that cannot be discarded in the Clean Sweep Dumpsters.
Food Waste
Remodeling Debris (shingles, tile, carpet, drywall)
Block, dirt, concrete, gravel, building blocks, bricks
Construction Materials
Appliances with freon
Household Hazardous Waste, including motor oil, anti-freeze, paint.
Landscape debris
Please follow these guidelines, or we will be unable to obtain the dumpsters again next year.