Sunrise At College Park

HOA Minute Entries 8/03 thru 10/03

Most Recent Meeting Minute Entries 10/27/03

Sunrise at College Park HOA Special Meeting Minutes for October 27, 2003
Meeting Started at 6:35 P.M. Ending at 7:55 P.M

The purpose of this special meeting was to resolve several issues of importance to the residents of College Park.

Attending the meeting:
Chris Bonomi, Pat Rickabaugh, Scott Drews, Cecilia Staples and Jay Martinsen

The first order of business to come under discussion was the resignation of Cary as president of the board.
Cary has accepted a new position with Boeing, and because of this will relocate to Seattle.
The board voted to retain six members on the board so there is the need to fill one vacant seat.
Chris proposed to appoint Mr. Mike Adamo Sr. to the vacancy as a member at large. The board approved this action so Chris will talk with Mike to determine if he will accept the appointment.
The next step taken by the board was to elect a new president. Chris was elected president and Scott was elected vice president by a unanimous vote of the board.
Pat and Cecilia will retain their same positions.
Congratulations were offered to both Chris and Scott.

Again on Saturday night there was uninvited and unwanted guests at the pool, but no security guard. Chris and one of the residents called police (no response from the police until Chris called 911). There were approximately 15 young people having a merry old time in the pool. These actions by non-residents must be stopped. Scott will be calling Ursula to find out where the security guard was, and where is the estimates to get the lighting installed around the pool area. It was agreed, if this security company is not reliable we must find one who is and the lighting must be installed A.S.A.P.

Scott will also ask Ursula to modify the Landscaping violation letters to include the phrase ‘ If this violation has been taken care of, please disregard this notice’. There have been several residents quite annoyed when they received notices after they had already taken care of the problem.

In regards to housekeeping for the pool bathroom, it was decided to first ask the pool service if for an additional fee, they would take care of the bathroom, and empty the trash from the pool area.

Scott will install the doggie clean up bags the weekend of 11/08/2003.

Last on the agenda was the discussion of the reserve study that was completed a few weeks ago. Cary reviewed the figures very thoroughly, and his recommendation was to lower the dues to 62.00 a month beginning January 1, 2004. This amount will fund all operating expenses and will put 10.73 in the reserve account. This amount will cover all current and future requirements with a 3% contingency.
Chris made the motion to accept this recommendation, and Cecilia seconded the motion.

The next general meeting is set for November 19, 2003 at 6:30 at the community pool.

Thanks to all the Board.J

Meeting Minute Entries- 10/15/03

Sunrise at College Park HOA Meeting Minutes for October 15, 2003
Meeting Started at 6:35 P.M. Ending at 8:15 P.M

The purpose of this meeting was the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of HOA Board with the residents of College Park.

Attending the meeting:
Chris Bonomi, Pat Rickabaugh, Scott Drews and Cecilia Staples. Also attending were various Home Owners.

From Jomar:
Ursula Looper

Since Cary could not attend the meeting, Chris acted as facilitator for this month’s meeting.
The general meeting started with Chris reviewing the outstanding issues from the past month.
Outstanding issues are the installation of the security cameras, the installation of the speed bumps that are needed to control speeding, and on site security needed to eliminate trespassers from the pool area.

Open Forum

One of the residents reported that the streetlight on Kael Street is burned out.
Also the three palm trees in front of the community need to be trimmed. They were missed during the general tree trimming that occurred last month.

The accomplishments for the past month were also mentioned.
Jay installed the signboard by the mailboxes.
Also on a positive note, one of the residents complemented the Landscaper (Evergreen Maintenance) for doing such a nice job trimming the bushes and trees around his house.
Everyone agreed that landscaping on the whole, in the entire community is much improved.

Ursula presented the board with the contract for the installation of speed bumps in our community. The contract called for the installation of 10 speed bumps, but it was decided that eight were sufficient. The contract was modified to reflect the change, and was signed by Chris. It was noted that the speed bumps to be removed from the contract would be one from N. Augustine, and one from Kenwood. The final cost for the speed bumps will be 2340.96.

Gate codes will be cleared on Thursday October 16, 2003.

After careful study of the cash reserves completed last month, Chris has made the suggestion that the monthly HOA dues could be lowered approximately five dollars a month. Chris feels that our monthly dues are excessive, and is damaging to the resale value of our homes.
A second suggestion, was to let the dues stand at seventy dollars a month, let the excess funds go into the reserve. This would keep the dues steady at this price for the next several years..
We (the board) asked Ursula if, in her opinion, our dues are unduly high. Ursula’s opinion is our dues are about average considering that we maintain privacy gates, and a community swimming pool.
In the course of discussing the gates, it was suggested that we ask Park Pro to give us some suggestions on how we can lower maintenance costs. It was suggested by Scott that we could have the motors moved to the top or center of the gates. This would make opening and closing less taxing on the motors. Also the possibility was raised that bigger motors may be needed, and lighter weight gates. Again it was stressed that the gates are privacy gates not security gates.
It was noted that at a minimum, we need preventive maintenance done on the gate.

A motion was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting and seconded by Cecilia.

Cecilia gave the financial report.

Currently we have 13,000.00 dollars in the general fund, 33,000.00 dollars in the reserve account, and 53,000.00 in assets.

Jomar transferred 1,000.00 from account 1110 to account 1271 on 09/18/03 per our request at the last board meeting in September.

It was noted that our delinquency account is only 4,000.00. According to Ursula, this is very good considering that we have 80 homes in our community.

Next on the agenda was discussion concerning the new proposal for the security cameras.
The new bid is from a company called Nestian, and the dollar amount is 17,800.00. This bid is over three times higher than the previous bid, but this bid would be for the entire package. This would include all wiring, trenching, and electrical. Also this price includes upgraded cameras, and data storage.
A decision on this package will be made at a later date

As part of the security discussion, Ursula reported that she called the City of Mesa to inquire about the cost of off duty policeman to act as security guard for our community.
The cost for this service is 30.00 an hour plus insurance. Since this was so costly, it was decided to go with the security company that charges 22.50 an hour. It was also decided that Friday and Saturday night from 10 PM to 4 AM would be sufficient. Since Ursula brought the contract with her, Chris signed it right then so hopefully, the guard could be on duty starting Friday October 17, 2003.

Evergreen Maintenance asked the board to fill out a survey grading their work. The board complied, giving Evergreen Maintenance very high marks. We also asked them to please keep up the good work.

One of the residents brought up the fact that the pool and Jacuzzi tiles need to be cleaned. Chris will ask the pool maintenance person to take care of this. Also the sand in the filter needs to be changed. There should be no extra charges for these services. In addition to these things, it was suggested that the pool should be acid washed sometime in the near future but there will be an extra charge for this type of maintenance.

After further investigation, Ursula found that we are better off staying with the current plan that gives us unlimited phone use for 44.00 a month. After hearing the number of times that the gates are opened (5,507 times between 9/10 and 9/30,) everyone agreed to stay with the current plan.

Next, Ursula reported on the surveys asking what the residents wanted in regards to newsletters, minutes of the meeting, and leaving the gates open during business hours.
Here are the results:
Newsletters: 45 yes 7 no
How should the newsletter be delivered: 21 US Mail 17 email 21 hand delivered Website 5
Meeting Minutes: How many read the minutes 47 yes 4 no
How many want the minutes: 49 yes 3 no
How should the meeting minutes be delivered: 23 US Mail 19 email 21 hand delivered
Website 5
Should the gates be left open approximately during the hours of 8AM to 4 PM: 25 yes 27 no.
Since the numbers were so close, it was decided to leave the gates closed.

The general meeting ended at 7:35. The motion was made by Chris, and seconded by Scott.

Executive Session:

Properties that are delinquent in Association dues were reviewed.
The homeowner from lot 58 requested the board to waive the late and admin fee that was incorrectly applied to his account. This was done.

There will be several residents who will receive landscaping violation letters concerning weeds and unkempt bushes in their front yards.

It was decided to have the gates open on Halloween evening to accommodate little ghosts and goblins that would like to come in for Trick or Treating.

Chris and Cary will crunch the numbers to determine if dues need to be adjusted.

The board decided to install motion lights at the pool. These motion lights (2) will be left on all night. Since winter is coming, the pool will not be so attractive to young trespassers. Maybe the lights and the fact that the gate access codes have been changed will be enough deterrent to keep uninvited guests away.
Ursula will get bids on installation of the lights at poolside.

The last item on the agenda was the deplorable condition of the bathroom at the pool.
It was suggested that there be a housekeeper hired to care for the poolside bathroom, and to clean up the trash around the pool.

The next meeting is set for November 19, 2003 at 6:30 at the community pool.

Executive meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Thanks to Ursula Looper
Thanks to all the Home Owners and to the Board.J

Meeting Minute Entries- 9/17/03

Sunrise at College Park HOA Meeting Minutes for September 17, 2003
Meeting Started at 6:45 P.M. Ending at 8:40 P.M

The purpose of this meeting was the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of HOA Board with the residents of College Park.

Attending the meeting:
Cary Pawluk, Chris Bonomi, Pat Rickabaugh, and Cecilia Staples. Also attending were various Home Owners.

From Jomar:
Ursula Looper

The general meeting started with Cary reviewing the accomplishments of the past month.
Namely, the signboard has been mounted next to the exit gate. This signboard will be used to remind the residents of the monthly HOA board meeting, and other important events that will be happening in the near future.
Sadly, Jay was unable to install the signboard by the mailboxes. Hopefully, he will get this done in the next few weeks.

The parking problems that were a concern at last month’s meeting have been resolved.

Also on a positive note, the Landscaper (Evergreen Maintenance) did a very nice job trimming the palm trees. They look great! Landscaping on the whole, in the entire community is much improved.

The request for two new guest parking spaces were turned down by the Mesa Fire Department. Their concerns are the streets are too narrow to allow passage of fire trucks in case of emergency.

Ursula presented the board with three quotes for the installation of speed bumps in our community. The estimates ranged from 2400.00 to 2800.00 for eight to ten bumps.

Open Forum

The installation of speed bumps became the first topic of conversation. Concerns such as location of the speed bumps, size, and water flow were discussed.
One resident asked that the bumps not be installed directly in front of people’s driveway.
Ursula said that two of the bumps would be placed just inside of the gates, one on the entry side, and the other on the exit side. The others will be placed as needed to stop excessive speed, but not directly in front of private driveways.
Water flow will not be a problem because the bumps will not be solid, and will not be the entire width of the street.
Size of the bumps will be the same as the existing speed bumps located on Terripin Street.

The installation of a security camera was the next topic of discussion. The board and the residents present at the meeting support this method of monitoring the gate. There will be a camera trained on the center of the exit gate that is capable of filming the license plate of cars as they exit the community.
Also, there will be a second camera installed in the pool area that will be used to monitor the pool.
Both cameras and all supportive equipment will cost about 3700.00 to 3800.00.
In the course of discussing the gate security, the question of leaving the gates open during the day was initiated. Again, no agreement could be reached so Ursula was asked to mail a survey to all homeowners to determine the number of homes that are for or against leaving the gates open during the day time hours.

Because of the trespasser problems at the pool area, it has been decided to hire a security guard for Friday and Saturday nights approximately between the hours of midnight and 5 AM. There is one estimate of 22.50 an hour for this service, and everyone felt that it would be money well spent.
One resident made the suggestion of hiring off duty policemen. One benefit from this action would be that since they are policemen, they have the authority to arrest on the spot. Security guards would have to call the Mesa Police Department and wait for assistance before they could make an arrest. Ursula will check out the cost of hiring off duty policemen.

Next up for discussion, was the question of how to use the current HOA website. Since the current one is not user friendly, it was suggested that we invest in our own website. Chris had a lot of good ideas on how to setup and use our own site to publish meeting times, and meeting minutes. Also a quarterly newsletter was discussed if we can find a person willing to take on this responsibility.
It was also suggested that Ursula send a survey to all residents in the community to determine how many would like the minutes, and timely notices sent electronically, and how many would like a hard copy delivered to their front door. This question arose because not all residents have a home computer.

The idea to put trash containers in the common areas so that pet owners can easily dispose of plastic bags used for clean up was suggested. This will be taken under consideration. It has been suggested by Cary to install mail type boxes containing plastic bags that are to be used for this purpose. Both of these ideas would help to alleviate the problem of pet owners not cleaning up after their pets.

A motion was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting and seconded by Chris.

Cecilia gave the financial report. The transfer of 5000.00 dollars from the general fund to the reserve fund was completed as requested.
Currently we have 12000.00 dollars in the general fund and a total of 32000.00 dollars in the reserve account.
Upon review of the monthly expenditures, Cecilia noticed that the Quest bill for the gate phone box is 44.00 a month. This seemed a bit high, so Cecilia called Quest, and was told that if the box has only minimum use, the charges could be cut to 17.00 a month. This would be quite a savings. Good job Cecilia.
Ursula will call Quest to set up the 15.00 a month billing for the gate phone box.

The landscaping company has submitted a bid to plant 26 plants in the common areas around the community. First of all it must be decided who is responsible for the watering system. If Evergreen is responsible, we (the HOA) should not be held liable for the plants. The board has asked Jomar to read our contract with Evergreen and then render an opinion as to responsibility. We (the board) understand that Jomar can only render an opinion.

After many inquiries, Ursula determined that the reserve study that was requested several months ago, has not been completed, it has not even been started. The company RDA that does the reserve study needs an acceptance form signed by Cary before the study can be started. Reserve studies range in price from 388.00 (update to current study without an on-site inspection) to 560.00(new study with an on site inspection). We are asking for an on-site study. Cary will sign the form tonight and will ask Ursula to make this the # 1 priority.

The general meeting ended at 7:35 PM.
Decisions by the board:

It was unanimously decided by the board, that going forward, there should be a transfer of money from the general fund to the reserve fund when cash in the general fund reaches a certain threshold. The amount transferred will be a variable amount and will be agreed upon by the board each month. This month the amount of 1000.00 dollars will be transferred from account 1110 to account 1271.

Landscaping violations: The second violation letter has been sent. But going forward, Ursula and Scott will get together to determine what penalties should be assessed to negligent homeowners. The Rules and Regulations state that a 10.00 to 500.00 a day fine may be assessed for landscaping violations. But there is no rule allowing for landscaping people to fix the problems, and then assess the homeowner for the cost of the landscaper. Ursula will not mail any more letters to errant homeowners until Scott gets back and a plan of action is in place.

The work order from Evergreen Maintenance to reseed the common areas with rye grass was approved.

The proposal from Ace Asphalt to install 10 speed bumps was accepted by the board.
Ursula will request 10 speed bumps just like the ones currently on Terripin Street.
Two inside the gates on the entry and exit sides, and eight more in the community so as to control traffic, and not directly in front of personal driveways.

If it is determined that we have to pay for the 26 plants to be planted in the common areas, we must make sure that the sprinklers systems are working properly. This will be decided at the next meeting.

Concerning the security of the community, it was agreed that the gate codes must be changed. Ursula will send a notice to all homeowners stating that all gate codes will be eliminated from the system two weeks from date of notice. Homeowners will be asked to either fax or send mail to Ursula with their choice of a new code. Ursula will request that house numbers not be used. The new code must be the # sign followed by four numbers not previously used.

Executive Session:

Properties that are delinquent in Association dues were reviewed.

The next meeting is set for October 15, 2003 at 6:30 at the community pool.

Executive meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Thanks to Ursula Looper
Thanks to all the Home Owners and to the Board.J

Email us

Posted by cbkitt on 10/30/2003
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