The warmer weather of Spring unfortunately usually leads to increased crime activity in our neighborhood and that may be the case again this year.
As always, you can listen to the latest Sylvan Park crime information, and time and place of the next neighborhood association meeting at 780-1199. You can leave any questions or concerns you may have at the end of the message.
In the case of any serious repeat neighborhood problem, red alert signs will be posted atop the Sylvan Park Neighborhood signs already stationed at several points around our neighborhood.
Please take an active interest in any persons hanging around alleyways or houses where they appear not to belong, or who act uncomfortable when seen. All non-emergency situations like this should be reported to 862-8600 (emergency situations should of course be reported to 911).
Our experience is that the Metro police respond quickly to reports of suspicious activity. If you have a different experience, your Sylvan Park Neighborhood Watch would appreciate hearing about it at 780-1199. Of course, we'd also like to hear of exceptional performance as well.
We appreciate and need your help in keeping Sylvan Park a great place to live.
You can contact Doug Eckert, Sylvan Park Neighborhood Watch chairperson, directly at
Sylvan Park was one of the first neighborhoods to become involved in the Be On the LookOut program sponsored by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department.
Several residents of Sylvan Park have been through police training sessions and have been issued official BOLO identification cards, magnetic car signs, hats and jackets. They were also issued special cell phones that can only call the two police numbers (911 and 862-8600).
These residents now patrol the Sylvan Park area at different hours of the day and night, to report situations warranting further attention. They do not attempt to apprehend or arrest anyone.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Sylvan Park BOLO Patrol, contact Doug Eckert at, or attend a Sylvan Park Neighborhood Association meeting at Cohn Adult Learning Center, held the second Monday night of every month at 7 p.m. (additional information regarding these meetings is available in the events section of this website).
The West sector precinct of Metropolitan Nashville Police Department held a pizza-provided discussion fest for community neighborhood watch leaders on Thursday evening, March 30th. Captain Hibbs, West sector supervisor, presided. He was aided by Sargeant Coon, precinct community liason.
Captain Hibbs requested that we keep our community as involved as possible with his precinct, by making sure that all crimes are reported and notifying them of any particular concerns.