The social committee would like to thank the Tamarisk community for their efforts in making the 2nd Annual Tamarisk Festival another huge success! We hope you made some new acquaintances and enjoyed spending time with your neighbors.
The food was excellent and we would like to thank everyone for their side dish and dessert contributioins. We would also like to recognize the following for their generous donations: Glen Freeborn and Coors for the adult beverages; Noe and Bruce Aaron and Farmer's Insurance for the Hawaiian family baskets; Maryann Tornillo and Baskets Bellissima for the food contest baskets; Gillains for the $250 gift certificate; The Morrison Inn; and The Band (Pat, Brad, George, and John).
Please show your patronage for the following businesses for their generous donations: Baskets Bellissima – 303-988-0747, Bear Creek Stables, Coors, Farmers Insurance, Gillians, Morrison Inn, and The Band.
Contact Jennifer Anderson at 303-985-9588 for any comments or suggestions in making this an even better event next year as well as any ideas for future activities. If you have any talents, connections or services you would like to provide or donate for the coming year, or you’d like to help plan upcoming events, we’d like to hear from you!
Submitted by Tamarisk Social Committee
The Tamarisk community would like to recognize the tremendous effort put in by the Social Committee in making our 2nd Annual Festival a great success! Special thanks to:
Jennifer and Mark Anderson
Donna and Bob Baumgarten
Dana and Neal Larson
Karen and Tom Nern
The Aaron's
Maryann and Vince Tonillo
Patty and John Webb
Cindy and Torrey Price
Thanks again for everything!