Takomah Trail Park is a small jewel of natural vegetation resting in a quiet community. This small jewel in recent years has tarnished with slow neglect. Boards are missing or loose along the boardwalk and observatory. Broken glass shimmers around the observatory like glitter on a party dress. No night lighting helps banish miscreants from devilish behavior. Dead and dying vegetation poses considerable fire hazards to the senior retirement facility and surrounding homes.
We the Terrace Park Civic Association will work closely with our city leaders to clean the park and establish neighborhood events to create a focal point within our community. We ask for your support and participation in helping us achieve these endeavors.
We together as a neighborhood can create a great place to live. Alone we become victums to the decay and destruction that has plagued other neighborhoods.
Takomah Trail Park
May 26, 2001
Karl DeRoche, TPCA President
Shawn Harrison, City Councilman
Gene King, Firehouse Officer
Doug Pierce, Park Manager
A walk around the park was conducted to show City Councilman the concerns the civic association has with Takomah Trail Park.
Topics of discussion:
Adding restrooms to the park.
Installing security lighting in the trail entrance and around picnic areas.
Paving parking area or moving parking area 20’ further in to be more accommodating.
Repainting walkways and restoring informational signs along boardwalk.
Moving observation tower to pond side for more scenic view and to allow neighbors to observe illegal nighttime activity.
Another sidewalk to second picnic pavilion to accommodate disabled.
Adding another picnic pavilion.
Security around storm drains grating.
At the end of the walk Shawn Harrison discussed with Doug Pierce pulling together bids for restrooms, which Doug said he should have by Thursday. Councilman discussed the use of CIT money to correct the problems with the park and will present our needs as soon as possible.