Winter Season Checklist
1. Please remove from decks, walkways, and areas under townhouses ALL items subject to hazard over the winter. All rugs/mats and flowerpots etc must be off wood decks due to rot. Loose items such as chairs etc must be stored and items that could be stolen should be secured. Since touch-up painting will continue we ask that all items on any wood surface be removed (outside wall hangings).
2. ALL units must (per insurance regulations) leave maintenance heat at 55 degrees.
3. Dumpster regulations remain. PLEASE do not place items other than sealed bagged trash in the dumpster without prior permission or we are charged for a special pickup. For large items we can suggest when to load the dumpster.
4. In 2009 will require new leases from all with statement on liability and reminder that new occupancy tax will be in effect.
5. Requests on property or flood insurance must go to the provider and they will fax directly. Flood: Williams:302-227-2501 Property/Liability: :L & W 302 856-7828
6. Please retain your pool pass. Replacement passes ($20) and keys will incur a charge.