Tone Estates

April '00 Meeting Minutes

April '00 Meeting Minutes

* Below is an excerpt from the actual meeting minutes. All names and addresses have been removed * * *

Tone Estates Homeowners Association Board Meeting

Minutes: 10 April 2000 (Edited for web viewing)

4 Board Members and Property Manger in attendance
HO = Homeowner HOA = Homeowner Association PM = Property Manager

Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m.

Review of March minutes
- Minutes approved with the Management report corrections that: 1) bushes and trees were trimmed to reduce blow over, not flooding and 2) the redundant sprinkler station discussed is located in the park on the North side. (4?0).

Financial report
- Motion to accept Financials approved after discussion of a few areas. (4-0) **A complete financial report can be requested through the management company**

Management Report
- Property manager stated that there were landscaping issues in the common areas. There have been a high number of weeds present for approximately one week. No pre?emergence was put down due to the change in landscaping companies. She further stated that the problems were heavier along the canal area due to seeding from the canal. She stated that the weeds would be sprayed and hula?hoed. Further, she noted that residents' weed letters will not be sent for problems over approximately two weeks, due to the rapid appearance of weeds in the common areas.

- H.O.s present were generally unhappy and voiced opinions about disillusionment with the Current landscaper.

- A board member communicated a conversation she had had with the landscaper three days previous to the meeting. Landscaper stated that the weeds had been aggressive due to lack of pre?emergent spraying by previous landscaper in the fall. Current landscaper is using 30 gallons of weedkiller per week at Tone.

- A board member stated that he recalled the landscaper had plans to improve the grass area and cut back the trees in the beginning, but stated that something has to be done about the weeds this corning Wednesday (next visit by landscaper).

- A HO in the audience interrupted the board discussion, accusing the board of refusing to follow proper process to procure bids for landscapers. He accused the board of giving special treatment to the landscaper and to the president.

- A board member questioned when the landscape at the south of Constellation Way will be completed. Property Management stated that she would ask the landscaper again about a bid to do the work.

- A board member requested that the management company send a second letter to the Tone Trust regarding the landscape repair required due to run?off from the Tone farm last month. Property Management stated that she is still waiting for the three bids requested and noted that one bid was from Valley View, the previous landscaper for the HOA. Ms. Hilliard further stated that she had spoken with a representative in the Code Enforcement division of the Town of Gilbert regarding forcing the Tone Trust to fix the retention basin damage. She stated that the Town of Gilbert representative would get back to her "hopefully by tomorrow." She stated she was also trying to get Roosevelt Conservation District to clean the ditch along the canal, which may require closing canal access for a period

- A board member advised the Property Management that he would like bids to be obtained in shorter time frames in future; that she should move on to other providers if no bid is received within two weeks. He also noted that electricians do not normally repair damage made to landscape during their work, so that landscape repair should be part of the overall cost estimates for work.

- Property Management notified the board that a representative from RvIand will be looking at faulty curbs and fences, as noted in the management report. She also noted that someone will be patching the hole in the wall near Michelle and would be painting the monument sign.

- Finally, Property Management noted that she had received two extremely abusive phone messages from Tone HOs which she had intended to play to the board, but did not do so. She stated that she would send a letter to those HOs advising them that further contact with the management company must be made in writing. The board was supportive of this plan.

- The board discussed the letter received from the attorney defining "commercial vehicles" for the purposes of the HOA. A HO in attendance was vocal about concerns regarding using a commercial vehicle and living in her home. A board member reminded the HO that the CC&Rs were provided to all HOs prior to purchasing their homes. Further, the board member advised the HO that a 2/3 vote of the HOs could amend the CC&Rs. The HO continued to voice concerns about the board meeting. The board member related the concept of open meeting laws to the HO.

- A board member noted that further business activity had been noted at a HO residence and that the HO had been contacted in order to request that activity cease, and to notify HO of new fines accruing.

- Management Report accepted 4?0

New Business
- A board member noted that the Social Committee has planned a community get?together for May 7 at the park. The board member requested the board set an expense budget for the get?together, to be used for prizes and a "bouncer." The bouncer would cost $150 for a Saturday or $89 for a Sunday, as well as $20 for the generator. Budget for $250.00 approved by the board 4?0. The board member noted that sign up sheets will be available for HOs to volunteer for Neighborhood Watch, Community Directory. Fall Party. Garage Sale and Power Washing groups.

- Web Page update: CC&Rs. Rules booklet, and meeting minutes are now available on the web page as well as discussion areas. He will add a note regarding the May 7 party.

- Power trash issue discussed. The sidewalks along the retention basin from Constellation to the canal area, as well as the sand around the play area, need to be cleaned. HO questioned whether the Town was not responsible for same. The board member explained the relative responsibilities of the Town and the HOA. The board member offered to obtain bids for power washers. Another board member noted that the Town should provide a schedule of public assistance, including street sweepers and police patrols.

- Board noted that Mesa's Planning and Zoning committee would be meeting on April 20th at 4 pm to discuss office park north of the Claiborne/Baseline intersection.

Old Business
- Discussion of current lighting bid. Retention basin overflow issues explained to HOs. Property Management again noted that Valley View would be providing a clean up bid.

- Architectural Control Committee. The vice president and the board will meet to discuss the applications received for the committee, which will be limited to three members. A board member requested a list of candidates for approval at next meeting, and asked another board member to arrange for a Neighborhood Watch officer to attend the party on May 7.

Architectural Requests
- 12 submitted: 9 approved and 3 denied

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting Monday, May 8 at Southeast Library, 7:00 p.m.

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