Opening ?– Welcome and Round Table Discussions
Phil opened the meeting at 7:05 pm and introduced officers. Welcome Adam Andrews, new member to the association!
Review of Minutes from Last Meeting
Accepted March Minutes.
Financial Report
Jodi reported about the same numbers as last month; $3,000.00 in the TTNA account and Jodi will be transferring the documents to Bill Kessler tonight.
Ongoing Business
Truck Traffic: Discussed the ongoing issues and concerns regarding changing traffic to two way on some Old Louisville streets. Andy Andrews reported that Mike Flynn has been working with Council Member Unseld?’s office to work with those that worked with the original research of the Truck Traffic Evaluation. Unseld reported that there is a law stating that you cannot block truck access to streets and Unseld seemed to suggest nothing more could be done. Andy advised that we look at the law, review it and see who is to enforce this law. His wife is any attorney. Andy reported that Treyton Oak Towers is also upset about the truck traffic and TTNA may want to join with them when we want to approach this issue further. Phil reported there is an ordinance that keeps heavy traffic off Brook St.; which is not enforced. Phil reported that Dennis Lisack pulled a policy regarding historical preservation districts to stop truck traffic. Phil suggested forming a committee. Recommended going after reducing the speed limit. Dennis recommended following what other cities have done to deal with truck traffic in our historic district and that lots of information is available on the internet. The focus of the discuss is that we need to band together with other associations and groups and work together to try to deal with this issue.
Andy reported problems with dump trucks running in the early mornings ?– you can set your clock to 4:19 am!. Ken Herndon reported that there is a policy regarding garbage trucks not dumping or picking up before a certain time of the morning.
Motion for volunteers, Todd Ayers and Bill Kessler volunteered to work on the Truck-Two Way Traffic Committee. Please contact them if you are interested in working on this committee.
Toonerville Park Landscaping: Aaron reported that the work is coming along and Ken H. reported that downtown is giving some holly and juniper plants. Aaron reported that they are always out there at 11:00 am to noon every Saturday to work on plantings in the park.
Toonerville Clean-up: We had several people that attended the annual clean-up (on Brook and 1st Streets) and resulted in about 35 bags of garbage being collected! We also mulched many of the sidewalk tree wells.
ZALU: Aaron reported that the meeting was postponed and no news to report.
OLNC: nothing, already discussed
Crime and Safety: Discussed observations of drug dealings on Brook Street.
Fundraising: Dennis Lisack reported on the post card idea of raising money for TTNA. Dennis passed out a rough draft for the logo. The committee is proposing that we adopt this logo and order a set of 100 at $255.00. Dennis also talked about creating tote bags with TTNA logo and T-shirts for the St. James Art Show. There was a motion to accept the logo - unanimous vote to accept logo. Motion to vote for $325.00 ($225for order + $100 for artwork development) seed money for the fundraising items and unanimous vote to provide seed money for the cards, tote bags and t-shirts.
New Business
KP?’s Lunch Pad (formerly Ormsby Sundries ?– northeast corner of Brook & Ormsby) we were expecting someone from there to talk about what they are doing. We look forward to the new business at this location.
Annual Central Park Improvement Day is April 14th in Central Park at 8:30 am-noon. BBQ lunch provided after.
Discussion of Litter and efforts: None
Other: Irene Spicer recommended that we create a flyer with the meeting dates to be handed out around the neighborhood. Jodi will work on this.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm