Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association

June 20, 2004 - Meeting Minutes

Apr 28, 2005

MEETING 5/20/04

NEXT MEETING: June 17 at 7:00 pm at The Chef?¡?¦s Table (NW corner of 1st and Oak Streets) *** We will gather at 6:30 pm for appetizers ?¡V cash bar available

Present: Elizabeth Austin, Jason Bell, Lt. Brandon (5th District), Bart Brown, Jacqueline Brown, Sgt. Cabrerra (5th District), Paul Chism, Ken Cordle, Teri Dempsey, Don Driskell, Mr. Evans, Dodd Harris, Chris Hart, Vela Herrmann, Patti Horton, Jim Jeffries, Rebecca Kessler, Joy Kildow, Kevin Kouba, Jason & Gabriella Lyvers, Jo Ann Macy, Crystal McGuffey, Paul & Lovella McKim, Chris Norman, Jim Oxyer, Jack Pierce, Steve & Julie Rodgers, Donna Sanders, Bobby Sheridan, Wanda Stanley, Dale & Gail Tucker, Helga Ulrich, Neal Ward, Maj. L. Watkins (5th District), Hugh Williams, Glenda Yascone

Neighborhood Watch Block Captains:
1200 S. 1st Dennis Lisack 635-7503 1208 S. 1st
1300 S. 1st Nancy Woodcock 634-1638 1366 S. 1st
1400 S. 1st Bill & Lisa Casey 634-3410 1427 S. 1st
1200 S. Brook Jo Ann Macy 634-4380
1300 S. Brook Irene Spicer 637-1602 Paul Chism 635-7035
1300 S. Brook Teri Dempsey 634-0177
1400 S. Brook Dale & Gail Tucker 634-0421 1420 S. Brook
1200 S. Floyd
1300 S. Floyd Neal Ward 742-2274 1372 S. Floyd
1400 S. Floyd
100 E. Oak Elizabeth Austin 767-6277 122 E. Oak #1
100 E. Ormsby Helga Ulrich 637-6647 112 E. Ormsby
200 E. Ormsby Wanda Stanley 637-5736 223 E. Ormsby
Burnett Alice Walsh 637-3846 104 W. Burnett

Dale Tucker, Toonerville President, opened the monthly meeting at 7:05 p.m. at the Chapel of St. Philip by welcoming the representatives of Louisville Metro Police Department?¡?¦s Fifth District (Central Park substation):
Larry Watkins, Commander
Lt. M. Brandon
Sgt. Cabrerra

Commander Watkins thanked TTNA for the invitation to address the concerns of our neighborhood residents. The officers of the Fifth District are familiar with the ?¡?§quality of life?¡?¨ issues affecting our neighborhood, including noise (music from automobiles), litter, drugs, and prostitution. Auto theft is the number one crime committed within the geographic boundaries of Toonerville. A recommendation was made that officers patrol the neighborhood on foot, enabling them to establish rapport with the residents and business owners of Old Louisville. When reporting a crime or other violation, callers should provide specific information (including address/physical description of subject) to the dispatcher. Callers may request to be contacted by the responding officer assigned to address the complaint (call back). Approximately 85% of the housing units in our neighborhood are rental units, residents must work together in cooperation with the police department, elected officials, and Metro governmental representatives to increase the level of property owner accountability. Metro Police representatives provided general information about the establishment of a Neighborhood Watch program in Toonerville. Printed materials were made available that defined the program, guidelines for organization, and the responsibilities of captains, co-captains, and members.

Contact for additional assistance:
George Unseld/Donna Sanders, 6th District Metro Council Office: 574-1106
Terra Long, 5th District Metro Police Community Relations Officer: 574-7010

A motion was made by Dodd Harris, seconded by Wanda Stanley, to move forward at the establishment of a Louisville Metro Neighborhood Watch Program within the boundaries of Toonerville. A listing of volunteers to serve as captains of this program was compiled prior to tonight?¡?¦s meeting. Additional interested parties put forth their names for consideration, and provided contact information. A neighborhood watch committee was formed.

Neighborhood/Block Watch Committee:
Rebecca Kessler 742-0505
Jo Ann Macy 634-4380
Helga Ulrich 637-6647
Neal Ward 742-2274

Helga Ulrich reported that there are dead trees along the 100 block of E. Ormsby. Alan Bishop, Arborist with the Department of Public Works will be notified of the need for their removal and replacement.

Friends of Central Park have embarked on an aggressive fundraising campaign, and the Old Louisville Neighborhood Council has requested that member associations support this endeavor. Councilperson Unseld secured $300.00 worth of mulch that TTNA used in our April 24 neighborhood cleanup. Because of his generosity, TTNA did not have to spend the $300.00 that had been allocated at our April 15 meeting to purchase the mulch outright. A motion was made by Wanda Stanley, seconded by Rebecca Kessler, to earmark these funds ($300.00) as a donation to the Friends of Central Park on behalf of the members of the Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association.

Lee Jones, owner of Oak Street Hardware, donated a motion detector light for tonight's door prize drawing. Steve Rodgers was the winner. OUR THANKS TO OAK STREET HARDWARE!

TTNA has been approached about participating in an area-wide yard sale on Saturday, August 7, 2004. Participants are able to keep the proceeds from any personal property sold. Patti Horton made a motion to participate in this "community-building" activity, seconded by Ken Cordle.

Nancy Woodcock reported that new plantings of trees to replace those that are dead or missing will begin after the start of the new fiscal year, as funds become available.

Copies of the Articles of Incorporation were distributed. These were read in summary by Dale Tucker. Toonerville is filing for 501c(3) status as a nonprofit organization. Ken Cordle made a motion to approve them as presented, seconded by Don Driskell. Association by-laws will be presented at a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2004 at The Chef's Table restaurant. (appetizers @ 6:30, meeting @ 7:00 p.m.)

Respectfully submitted by: Chris Hart, Secretary

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