1. Treasurer?’s Report, financial organization & outlay
TTNA has a total balance of $6,192. Of this amount, $4,700 is designated for the wall project (see item #5 below).
The attorney handling the original 501(c)(3) application several years ago had contacted Phil late last fall about the status of all. This just in: In order to apply at this point, TTNA now needs to have accurate financial records from the past 3 years. We had a different Treasurer for each of those years, so records from Helga, Bill Kessler and Ethel will be passed along to current Treasurer Aaron Jent, with assistance from Jodi, for tabulation. Once status is granted, TTNA will have its own tax id number ?– this is important w/respect to our organizational bank account. Right now, we have no tax id so each treasurer has had to open a personal account (as opposed to a business account) using his/her own social security #. The closing and opening of new accounts each year is a time consuming and at times frustrating process ?– thus the several checks for membership, etc., that took so long to be deposited! Per Phil, all else is fairly easily attainable or already in place.
Dennis put forth that past discussion about a 501(c)(3) status had been argued against and that the larger OLNA?’s status was to help smaller associations such as TTNA submit grant proposals, etc, without having to deal with the tasks of accountability and expense if done on our own. Current sentiments favor that status, esp. since it would allow us flexibility and autonomy when seeking grant or sponsorship monies. Nancy, for example, had to submit last year?’s Brightside application via OLNA. TTNA is an incorporated organization and securing 501(c)(3) status is a logical next step. Both Aaron and Rebecca have experience with grants and have offered to help with follow up paperwork and reporting procedures.
2. Newsletter & email address update - prepare to go electronic!
The March TTNA Newsletter was the last paper version. From now on these will be distributed via email. Please forward any email address updates to Jodi Bessinger. They?’ll also be posted on TTNA?’s website, along with meeting minutes, bylaws, etc. There will still be some paper Newsletters printed and distributed to area businesses, such as Juanita?’s, Cards Caf?©, etc., just no longer inside St. Philip Chapel News for individual delivery. Bill Walsh has been informed and they have 3 months to come up with new idea for distibution of Chapel News as well. They could probably use help still if anyone is willing?….Contact Bill. Please submit articles and info to Jodi for the June Newsletter ASAP.
3. Bylaws & 2-Way Street update
Phil to update bylaws per changes voted upon during December meeting.
Re: 2-way street status: The bids that came in from the city exceeded the $48,000 allocated for this project ?– which is to conduct the study needed to determine appropriateness of the venture, etc. ?– a new RFP (funding request for proposal) will need to be submitted, Councilman Unseld needs to be reminded/pressured so that this project does not fall through the cracks. Phil is working on all.
4. Follow-up: Toonerville?’s donation to ATVs for police
TTNA received a very nice thank you letter from the Fourth Division for our $100 contribution.
5. Toonerville Park wall ?– fund raising status, next steps, timeline
Per Nancy, St. James NA might be giving us $1,000 at their next mtg; this would bring the total raised to $5,700. Total needed is approx. $8,000, with possible repair of existing wall added in.
Phil has been asked to contact Donna/Unseld to stick to his promise of matching funds. Nancy suggested that, even though Unseld had pledged to match what TTNA raised, we ask him only for the balance needed, or between $2-3,000, in order to stay above board with the donor NA?’s and to accurately track how funds were used. Hopefully this lesser amount will translate into future fund consideration down the road.
6. Property updates:
*1201 S BROOK STREET (Manley Jr. High School) ?– stone steps/stop work order vacated?
*Brookleigh Arms (Smurf Village): Per Aaron, the project has a 3 million dollar budget, BUT problems with buildings staying unlocked at night and subsequent drug trafficking at end of Feb. (former tenants?). Since Aaron made calls to Metro, it has been better, BUT now problems are the ugly front windows ?– originally they were not to be replaced because of Landmark?’s assertion of their ?“historic significance?”, even though their current state has nothing to do with historical accuracy, etc. Side windows are being replaced, and upon further conversation architects were given the go-ahead by Landmarks to replace the front windows as well. PLEASE CALL Oracle Development 526-0001 Chris or Mark ask if they are going to restore windows in front?…urge them to do so.
* 1227? Brook, and 1255 Brook: Rooming house situation in a single family dwelling, near Toonerville Park next to alley by Brookleigh Arms. Aaron has reported the property to Metro Call, and Irene will follow up with Bill Shreck.
*1324 Brook is in foreclosure?…
7. Toonerville Dog Park update:
Jodi Bessinger is forming the Dog Park committee. She wants reps from all Old Louisville neighborhood associations, 4-5 to start, to brainstorm and decide on design elements. They will be focusing on the tennis court area as a first option for the park. The dog park will branch out to include the tree area if needed. According to Dog Run Association, 30-35 members currently live in Old Louisville. Cochran Hill?’s dog park has 750 members at $30 each, which is their limit; as a consequence, they have had to turn away 100 applications. Jodi needs help selecting planters, concrete options, etc., and plans to contact architect Gary Kleir for ideas, etc. Plumbing/water installation will allow us to water & maintain plantings.
8. Brightside Community-Wide Cleanup: March 28 8am-12 noon at Juanita?’s on the 1400 block of
Brook Street. Early bird participants will have a special breakfast on offer from the owners!!!
9. Round table discussion: "St. James After Hours" evening fundraiser event, originally proposed during an officer meeting held Thursday, March 12. Targeted time frame would be the evening hours once St. James Art Fair has closed for the Friday and Saturday. Due to Toonerville being a dry area, the block-party style location with live music, beer and food would be along the Ormsby Street block between 1st & 2nd Streets since this technically lies outside of Toonerville?’s boundaries (Floyd, Brook & 1st between Hill & Kentucky). If we start now, this can really happen! If successful, it may become an annual event that doesn?’t necessarily need to stay in Toonerville but can ?“round robin?” to other areas in OL. Discussion is to continue at subsequent meetings.
10. New business: None other than the above fundraising event.
NEXT MEETING: April 16, 2009 ?– location tba