Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association

January 20, 2005 - Meeting Minutes

Apr 28, 2005

MEETING MINUTES--20 January 2005

Present: Jackie Brown, Ken Cordle, Jennifer Hamilton, Chris Hart, Rebecca Kessler, Kevin Kouba, Jo Ann Macy, Irene Spicer, Wanda Stanley, Rick Tabb, Dale Tucker, Helga Ulrich, Bill Walsh

At 7:20 p.m., the new Toonerville President, Jennifer Hamilton, called the meeting to order in the sanctuary of the Chapel of St. Philip. The minutes from the November 2004 were accepted without revision.

The TTNA thanked Bill & Rebecca Kessler for hosting our successful Christmas Party/Dec mtg. A fine time was had by all.


Property Improvement Committee (PIC)--Helga Ulrich provided highlights from the January 2005 meeting: Speaker--Historic Significance of the SoBro (South of Broadway) District
Michael Baugh, IPL (Inspections, Licenses, and Permits) Inspector, reported that there are 4 problems that are immediately fineable: (1.) Rubbish, (2) Grass over 10?” tall, (3) Vehicles parked on grass-private property adjoining the alley included. Parking areas must be concreted, (4) Portable signs
Action: Determine what constitutes rubbish and portable signs

City ordinance: If an apartment building has been vacant for more than 1 year, it automatically reverts to a single-family dwelling.

According to private conversations that Helga had with another IPL inspector, IPL relies heavily on citizens reporting of problems, because the ratio of Inspectors to residents is roughly 1:27,000.

Based on Helga?’s report, there was a lengthy discussion of the same 3 problem properties (Hill Bend, the storefront 1st and Burnett, and a house on the 1500 block of Floyd) and the city ordinances governing vacant buildings. After much discussion, motions and amended motions, it was finally decided that the TTNA should not duplicate other efforts and work with the PIC to see if they are or any other Association is working with Councilman Unseld to modify the City Ordinance so that the city can seize and sell vacant property in a more expeditious manner.
Action: Helga to make copies of her personal ?“problem property?” spread sheet for the next meeting.

Possible future speakers on this topic: Herb Fink, Michael Baugh, George Unseld

Police Advisory Board--Helga Ulrich is a member of this Board, which meets the 4th Wed of the month.
There are 4 crimes which Lt. Michael Brandon, LMPD 4th Division, personally tracks:
(1) Assault, (2) Robberies, (3) Burglaries, (4) auto theft. In the last month, there have been no reported robberies in Beat 1 during the mid-Dec to mid-Jan time period.
Lt. Brandon wants to know what our citizen concerns are, for example, the way incoming calls to the 4th Division are handled. Any concerns that we have can be documented and given to Helga.

Police related topic: In December 2004, Councilman Unseld and the 4th Division of the Louisville Metro Police Dept, in an effort to reduce auto thefts in Old Louisville sponsored a ?“Beat Crime with a Club?” effort. Because of the poor citizen response, the event is being repeated on February 12, 9 am - noon at the firehouse at 6th and Hill. Helga handed out flyers and asked us to spread the word in our neighborhood.

Block watch--Jo Ann Macy--Nothing to report. We will be planning a spring party in conjunction with the TTNA to reenergize the Block Watch effort and to hopefully attract new members for Block Watch and TTNA.

Jo Ann asked Helga if she knew when we might be getting our Block Watch signs. Helga said that it is being handled by the Dept of Neighborhoods.
Action: See if Dept of Neighborhoods might have a time frame for hanging our BlockWatch signs.

OLNC--no December meeting--nothing to report

Neighborhood Cleanup--Irene Spicer spoke briefly about the October 2004 cleanup on the 1100 Blocks of S. First and Brook and the need to get owners of rental properties on these blocks, primarily Underhill Management Company, to take responsibility for maintaining the sidewalk and street in front of their properties.

A motion was made and seconded that Jennifer Hamilton and Irene Spicer draft a letter to Underhill Management Company telling them that the TTNA has cleaned up in front of their properties on these blocks and requesting that they now maintain them.

Trees--Jo Ann noted that a few of the long promised trees have been planted.

It was also noted that the Hope (halfway) Houses (1363 and 1365 S. Brook) are no longer operating and are vacant . It was suggested that we should be on the look out for any undesirable or illegal activities that tend to occur around vacant properties.

Trashcans--Nothing new to report--Jennifer Hamilton has contacted Councilman Unseld?’s office to find out the status of getting 20 trashcans placed within the TTNA boundaries.

Southwest Drawing--TTNA had 2 winners out of the 875 tickets that were sold: Nancy Woodcock and Hal Pettigrew. Congratulations!

Non-profit status--Phil Diblasi has committed to having the 42-page application completed (it?’s about half completed) and to Lisa Kilkelly for review by February 17, 2005 (February TTNA meeting).


Treasurer?’s report--Still in the process of transferring the treasurer?’s activities. No report.

Proposed New Committees:

FUNDRAISING--Dale will chair a fundraising committee this year. As a first step, Dale proposed a 50/50 raffle, where meeting attendees buy a ticket and there is a drawing with half the money collected going to the winning ticket holder and the other half going to the TTNA. The idea was moved and seconded. Jennifer suggested resurrecting the ?“bring a friend raffle?” as a way of fundraising and possibly increasing membership.

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE--Looking for someone to chair this effort. Contact any of the officer?’s if you would be interested in leading this effort.

NEWSLETTER--It was decided that in addition to resurrecting the TTNA newsletter that, we should become regular contributors to the St. Philip Neri ?“The Chapel Newsletter?” that is printed and hand distributed quarterly to all the households within the TTNA boundaries.
Action: The board will write a short article for the next ?“The Chapel Newsletter?” with a clip and save meeting calendar. Deadline for submission: February 3, 2005.

Jennifer asked that everyone consider participating in at least one committee. Because our membership is small, if we want to be effective, then everyone needs to be actively participating somehow.

2005 Membership Dues--Dues have not been raised in over 8 years. It cost money for outreach and to undertake almost any project.
Action: By the February 2005 meeting, the Board will review and revise the current membership fee structure
The Board will develop a list of new activities that we would like to undertake as justification for increasing the fees.
The treasurer needs to submit a list of TTNA members and their addresses to the Old Louisville Neighborhood Association (OLNA), so that OLNA can update their mail listing to include TTNA members who have joined since February 2004. OLNA mails the monthly Old Louisville Newsletter to all paid members of any Neighborhood Association within Old Louisville.

Meeting Schedule--Traditionally the TTNA has not met during July and August. It was agreed that the summer hiatus causes a loss of momentum at a critical time when we should be gearing up for fall activities.
It was moved and seconded that the TTNA meet year round.
Action: Determine and publicize the locations of the July and August meetings

Super Bowl Party--There will be a BYOB Super Bowl party Sunday, February 6, 2005 at the Chism house, 1300 S. Brook. Arrive anytime after 5:30 pm.

Suggestions for 2005--Members were asked to fill out the 2005 Membership Information Form and return it as soon as possible. The information on the form will be used to create agendas, raise money, and schedule speakers for the year.

Other upcoming events--2005 Mayor?’s Community Conversations--Jennifer provided a summary of and schedule for the events. After having attended one of the sessions in 2004, Jennifer thought that it was a very positive experience and a very effective way of getting Neighborhood concerns addressed quickly.

Tsunami SOS International Concert--February 25, 5:30 pm; Memorial Auditorium at 4th and KY Streets. Admission is free. If you enjoy Louisville?’s Fall World Fest celebration on the Belvedere, think about going to this. Proceeds from the concert will go to providing aid to the Dec 26, 2004 Tsunami victims.

Oak Street Revitalization Project--Kevin said that he believed that the $50,000 community matching money had been raised. The first improvements, lights and benches, will be made within our TTNA boundaries, starting at the corner of 1st and Oak, and moving towards 2nd St.

Antique store opening--An Old Louisville Resident is opening an Antique Store on Oak St. next to the Hardware (2nd and Oak). Stop in and say hello (and better yet--buy something)

Rick Tabb spoke for many, if not all of us, when he said that we (TTNA) should work with other neighborhood associations and to participate/volunteer to help when we can, such as with the Garden Tour. The more we participate, the more we become ?“players?” in what happens in all of Old Louisville and the more we exposure we can get for the Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood. With that, Rick made motion to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Submitted by: Jo Ann Macy, Secretary

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