MEETING MINUTES?–17 March 2005
The President, Jennifer Hamilton, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Sanctuary of St. Philip?’s Chapel at the corner of Woodbine and Floyd Streets. Eighteen members and friends of the Association were present.
Lt Michael Brandon?–LMPD 4th Divison?–gave brief of overview of the new boundaries of the 4th division, the new beats, and the number of officers. The 4th Division is the busiest of all the divisions, with respect to number of calls. The 4th Division is authorized 124 officers, including administrative; however, they are at least 10% below the authorized number. Lt Brandon is in Charge of Sector 1, which includes Beats 1 (Old Louisville) and 2 (Smoketown, Germantown, Schnitzelberg). Every 2 weeks, Lt Brandon does an analysis of Crime in Sector 1. The report is available upon request to Lt. Brandon. After his presentation, Lt Brandon took questions from the audience.
Councilman Unseld?–talked briefly about a few of the issues that the city council is grappling with?–parking restrictions for parts of Old Louisville, smoking bans in restaurants, and filling the seat of the District 1 representative?–and his perspectives on each. Councilman Unseld is also working on ordinance that would redirect money that is turned back by various councilmen into programs where it could really be used, such as the LMPD. He asked for our support and our understanding as he works to improve the Quality of Life for all residents in his district. He also asked that when we have concerns about him or his positions that we pick up the phone and call his office. He stressed that talking to his Legislative Assistant, Donna Sanders, was the same as talking to him. He wants to hear from us.
Meeting Minutes-The minutes of the February 2005 meetings were accepted with two revisions.
Potluck dinners at St. Philip?’s are held quarterly (not monthly).
Letter to Property Owners will not be approved by the full membership.
Standing Committee Reports?–including the Treasurer?’s Report were written and made available to meeting attendees. There was no discussion of the reports.
Letter to property owners?– The letter has been written and it will be mailed prior to the next TTNA meeting. It will not be approved by the full membership.
Trash Cans?–A prototype of the proposed trashcan to be used by all of Old Louisville was unveiled at the March PIC meeting. The trashcan design was unanimously approved by the PIC and forwarded to the OLNC for their approval. The Landmarks Commission approval is expected within the next 2 weeks. Although the new trashcans are more expensive ($565 vs $400) than the trashcans originally agreed upon by TTNA, it was decided that for the sake of consistency throughout Old Louisville, TTNA would use the grant money from Councilman Unseld to purchase 13 trashcans instead of the 20 originally planned.
Action: Jennifer Hamilton to fill out the grant application from Councilman Unseld?’s office, order the trashcans for TTNA, and coordinate with OLNC for the delivery and placement.
Nonprofit Status?–Phil Diblasi reported that TTNA has received the needed Employer Identification Number. We are still in need of:
1. Detailed budgets for calendar years 2004, 2005, & 2006, showing all moneys collected and expended. In-kind services do not apply.
2. Two year plan of activities.
Policy Statement for TTNA Official Representation at meetings?–The policy has been written and agreed upon by the Officers. Membership discussion and vote on the policy were deferred until the April 2005 meeting.
Oak Street Happenings--Don Driskell said that there was still a need for additional money for making the street improvements?–lighting, benches, planters, and requested that TTNA members go to the website to get a better understanding of the overall plans for Oak Street. Ultimately, he would like to see TTNA made a contribution to the effort.
On April 13, 2005, there will be dedication ceremony for the new Old Louisville Visitor?’s center at 218 W. Oak St. In addition to the visitor?’s center, the building will also be the home of the Old Louisville Community Development Corporation, the Old Louisville Chamber of Commerce, the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce,, and the CoAlliance of Business Associations,
Action: Invite Community Development Corporation Directors to speak at a future TTNA meeting.
225 E. Oak St/BOZA letter?–At the February meeting, a motion was made and accepted that the President would write a letter to BOZA saying that Helga?’s opinions were not those of the TTNA and that the TTNA, in this instance, was in support of the 2250 rule of the Traditional Neighborhood Zoning Plan.
Based on subsequent conversations with Leah Stewart, BOZA committee, and a better understanding of what actually happened and why it happened, the TTNA executive committee amended the motion to not write a letter. According to Ms. Stewart, the property owner had sufficient documentation and strong counsel to support his claim for nonconforming rights. The case was closed and would not be re-opened.
April Clean-up Saturday April 30?–Jennifer gave a brief over view of the spring clean up and picnic. The plan this year is to have a volunteer sign-up sheet so that we have a better idea of our human resources. We will then target 1 or 2 areas to clean. The areas to be cleaned will be determined by the Cleanup Committee in advance.
Central Park Annual Improvement?–The annual Central Park Cleanup will be held Sat, April 16, 2005, 8:30 a.m. until ? Lunch will be provided. Herb Fink has asked that all Neighborhood Associations contribute $300/association to help defray the cost of paint and supplies.
To show our support for the effort, a motion was made and approved to contribute $50 to the cleanup. The TTNA membership decided that we would like to see more of our efforts go towards cleaning up and beautifying our own Toonerville Trolley Park.
Meeting adjourned at __________
Submitted by Jo Ann Macy, Secretary