Turf Valley Overlook Community Association

12/12 meeting

Mar 19, 2006


Attendees: Susan Fingerman Craig Fingerman Stacy Ichniowski
Chris Kocak Pat Brocato-Simons Bobbie Schubert
Debi Cinquegrana Towanda McIver Sharon Stiff
Dan Simons

CALL TO ORDER: Pat Brocato-Simons, President, opened the meeting, welcomed everyone, thanked them for coming. Pat also announced that Towanda agreed to move from 2nd Vice President to 1st Vice President. This leaves an opening for 2nd Vice President.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The opening discussion focused on our need for additional volunteers. Volunteers are needed for the following:
?• 2nd Vice President
?• Block Captains- duties include 1-1 communication with neighbors, assist with dues drives, a link between neighbors and Executive Board
?• Activities Coordinators- Includes activities such as neighborhood fun run and Holiday celebration with Santa Claus and the fire truck
?• Architectural Committee- Includes educating TVO residents about and enforcement of rules/regulations, distribution of by-laws, etc
?• Directory ?– Pat needs volunteers to help prepare a new directory. Our 2004 edition is quite outdated
?• General volunteers needed in any capacity

BUDGET: Craig Fingerman, Treasurer, presented an updated budget report showing a balance of $21,819.90. Dues received were slightly less than 2004. In the last 6 months we spent $ 4,065 which consists primarily of landscaping and insurance expenses. Anyone wishing to see a copy of the budget handout from the meeting can contact Craig at craigf2@comcast.net.

ENTRANCE LIGHTING: Towanda (Tee) McIver, 1st VP, gave an update on the Rt. 40 entrance lighting. We still have not overcome the obstacle of drilling underneath Pebble Beach to have lighting on both sides. The idea of solar lights was discussed but due to the lack of clear access to the sunlight in the area it makes this a less than optimum option. A 2nd option discussed was only lighting one side of the street. Further investigations into this project will be tabled until spring. Please contact Tee at trmciver@comcast.net if you wish to help with this project, have suggestions, comments, etc.

RESPONSIBLE GROWTH IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD (REGION): Craig Fingerman is TVO I?’s representative and sits on REGION?’s Board of Directors. Craig provided the following update:
?• Additional Public Hearings were held to discuss the planned growth at Turf Valley Resort & Country Club (right to build additional 1360 units).
?• The 12/15 meeting was cancelled due to weather issues.
?• The 1/5, 1/19, 1/23, & 2/2 meetings discussed REGION?’s case which includes concerns over traffic, lack of schools, environment, and overall quality of life. All meetings were held at 7 PM in the George Howard Bldg in Ellicott City.

DUES DRIVE: A discussion was held on how to improve the results of our dues drive. An idea was raised on having a dues committee. The major concern is the lack of volunteers to be on the committee. Tee will be taking over the dues drive. She will use the same template that was used in the past. The goal is to send out the invoice in early March.

LANDSCAPING: Bobbie Schubert, Landscaping Committee Chair- Our current Lawn Care Service went out of business. They finished their responsibility for 2005. We asked for bids from 3 lawn services and decided to sign a contract with PLS. Note that no signs are allowed in the center median and will be moved to the sides of the street. Please place any signs near monuments.

SAFETY: Trey Warman and Angela Nichols, safety co-chairs, were not able to attend the meeting. We did experience several break-ins and/or attempts during the holiday season. Whatever time of year, please remember keep your doors locked and your garage doors down. If you have issues with your sidewalks (uneven or broken pavements), please contact Howard County. They will do patches as necessary on an interim basis until sidewalk replacements can be scheduled. Thanks to Amy Tich for contacting Howard County and getting our burned-out street lamps fixed.

WELCOMING: Debi Cinquegrana, Welcoming Chair, Please continue to keep Debi updated as new residences move into TVO. Welcome to all, and if you?’ve not done so already, please contact Stacy with your E-mail information stacy@tealdragon.net, Debi with information for the directory or request for TVO and community information kt21042@aol.com.

DIRECTORY UPDATE: We continue to compile changes for the directory. Please keep Pat up-to-date on changes pmbs13@comcast.net. Our goal is to publish a new directory sometime in 2006. All residences will receive a directory ?– it is one of the projects that your dues money goes toward. The printing cost in 2004 was about $700, of which about 170 of you contributed toward and about 150 did not.

TVO I WEBSITE: Chaired/maintained by Sharon Stiff, this is the place residents can go for items such as block captain lists, covenants/bylaws, happenings, who to contact about what, etc. The web site is up-to-date; please continue to keep Sharon in the loop on any updates. Thanks to Sharon for her maintenance of the Website. Please contact her at shoes88@comcst.net if you have ideas for items that should be included. Our website can be found at www.neighborhoodlink.com.

ACTIVITIES: Volunteers are still needed to help plan and organize miscellaneous community events.

MISCELLANEOUS: E-MAILS: Please alert Stacy Ichniowski, chair, at stacy@tealdragon.net, or Pat at pmbs13@comcast.net, if you change your E-mail address. We work hard to keep the Yahoo Group account current. You can also go to http://www.yahoogroups.com, go to turfvalleyoverlook, and revise your profile information yourself

VOTING: Voting took place for the Executive Board and the current members have agreed to remain in their positions. They are as follows:

Pat Brocato-Simons ?– President
Towanda McIver ?– 1st VP
2nd VP- OPEN
Craig Fingerman ?– Treasurer
Chris Kocak ?– Recording Secretary

NEXT MEETING: The next TVO I HOA meeting will take place in late March, early April. Date to be announced.

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