Houses and Condos keep going Up! Tops continue to pop and houses scraped off and Super-Sizes erected. Lots of For Rent signs, too- which means
more renters and fewer home-owners in this community.
UP also has many new neighbors a-building at DU-- the Performing Arts center, Law School, and non-DU projects including retail and apts by the High St.
light rail station-- and an entire new "city" proposed at the light rail station area at E. Evans and s. Colorado Blvd. (Colorado Center).
These changes bode a turning tide, and the goal we unanimously stated in our Framework Plan, "To perpetuate and enhance the integrity of the
University Park Neighborhood" now may take a bit more concentration and effort. UP's "integrity" is the integral sum of its many parts, which traditionally
have included a grand diversity of dwellings, shops, schools, churches, open space, big trees, and people who love UP. It is these great people who are
working with the City, DU, and other development programs, to keep this a place where we all love to live.