with response to a request that was made by the Neighborhood Association board to put in sidewalkds on Iliff between Cook and Jackson Streets.
I thank you for the information you sent to the City mapping sidewalks in the University Park neighborhood, and your concern for sidewalks in that area. The City is in the process of developing a Pedestrian Master Plan that will, in part, define the areas where lack of sidewalks is inhibiting pedestrian travel. Part of that process will be to solicit information from the many neighborhoods in the City exactly along the lines you provided.
Current City policy, which is codified in the Municipal Ordinances, is that sidewalk construction is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. Exceptions to this do exist, bond projects, neighborhood grants, and as was mentioned in one of your attached letters, the sidewalk along Dahlia north of Evans that was built with CIP funds. That particular project was done to provide pedestrian access to visually impaired citizens. Another option is the creation of a local improvement district to fund the construction of sidewalks. This requires the approval of at least a majority of the affected properties.
Once the Pedestrian Master Plan is completed, the City will be in a position to make decisions regarding the expansion and improvement of the sidewalk system within the City. I cannot say, at this time, whether the City will fund sidewalk construction where you have made the specific request, Iliff Ave. from Cook to Jackson streets. I am aware of the traffic volumes along Iliff and the proximity to University Park Elementary school. Those two facts will work in favor of closing that gap in the sidewalk system at that location. Needs throughout the City and the funding mechanisms available at that time will drive any sidewalk improvement plan the City has in place.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 720-913-4525.
For the City and County of Denver,
Pat Kennedy, PE
Dept of Public Works
Infrastructure Management