Uptown Planners

Urban Design/Historic Resources Subcommittee June 21, 2004

Resources Subcommittee June 21, 2004

Urban Design/Historic Resources Subcommittee
Monday, June 21, 2004 – 4:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Uptown Partnership Office
3108 Fifth Avenue, Suite B, San Diego, CA 92103

I. Call to Order and Introductions 4:30 pm

II. Preliminary Review None.

III. Project Review/Design Review

a. PENN STATION TM – 1231 Pennsylvania Ave Condo Conversion -Process 4 - Developer: Seung Lee; Engineer: Landmark Engineering – Larry Cole; Tentative Map request to convert 8 existing residential units to condominiums. Hillcrest (Approx. 4:35 pm -10 min /10 min) (Potential consent agenda item)

b. THIRD AVENUE TM – 3852 Third Ave Condo Conversion – Process 4 - Applicant: Archstone Management - Lindsay Erickson; Tentative Map request to convert 6 existing residential units to condominiums. Hillcrest (Approx. 4:55 pm -10 min /10 min) (Potential consent agenda item)

c. CAMPUS VENUE TM – 4136 Campus Ave Condo Conversion – Process 4 - Applicant: Archstone Management - Lindsay Erickson; Tentative Map request to convert 7 existing residential units to condominiums. University Heights (Approx. 5:15 pm -10 min /10 min) (Potential consent agenda item)

IV. Subcommittee Business None.

V. Adjournment: 5:35 pm - Next meeting Monday, July 19, 2004, 4:30 pm

Note: All times are estimates and used for planning purposes only. Any item on the agenda or added to the agenda may be subject to action. This agenda may be available in alternative formats upon request; anyone who requires an alternate format or has special access needs please contact (619) 835-9501 at least two days prior to the meeting. For more information regarding additional meeting times or issues before Uptown Planners’ please visit our website at http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/sandiego/uptown or contact us at: 1010 University Ave, Box 1781, San Diego, CA 92103 - (619) 835-9501. Uptown Planners is the City’s recognized Community Planning Group for the Uptown Plan Area.

Resources Subcommittee
Monday, June 21, 2004 – 5:45 p.m.
Meeting Location: Uptown Partnership Office
3108 Fifth Avenue, Suite B, San Diego, CA 92103

I. Call to Order and Introductions 5:45 pm

II. Environmental Impact Review Working Group

a. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, ANNUAL AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLANS (CLUP) FOR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIRPORTS – Allen Edwards and David Gardner – A briefing of the Airport CLUP will be given followed by a discussion amongst Board Members. There is no time to respond collectively as a group to the EIR, but individual members will be encouraged to submit comments on their own and information from the CLUP and EIR will be on hand as a reference. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.

III. Subcommittee Business None.

IV. Adjournment: 7:00 pm -

The Resource Subcommittee is an ad hoc subcommittee of The Uptown Planners and does not meet on a regular basis. The next meeting will be scheduled as necessary.

Note: All times are estimates and used for planning purposes only. Any item on the agenda or added to the agenda may be subject to action. This agenda may be available in alternative formats upon request; anyone who requires an alternate format or has special access needs please contact (619) 835-9501 at least two days prior to the meeting. For more information regarding additional meeting times or issues before Uptown Planners’ please visit our website at http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/sandiego/uptown or contact us at: 1010 University Ave, Box 1781, San Diego, CA 92103 - (619) 835-9501. Uptown Planners is the City’s recognized Community Planning Group for the Uptown Plan Area.

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Posted by dgardner299 on 06/17/2004
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