The theme of the meeting was ?“Update on Traffic and Transportation?”.
Close to ninety interested persons attended this successful meeting which was held in the auditorium of the Walgrove Avenue Elementary School. Mo Blorfroshan and Tom Carranza, both of the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), spoke about local traffic mobility and the Lincoln Corridor, respectively. Ken Alpern then introduced two other volunteers who look at the bigger picture: Darrell Clarke of Friends4Expo and Daniel Walker of Friends of the Green Line, both knowledgeable activists, gave us enthusiastic perspectives of the relief that we might expect on the Westside from the introduction of light rail.
Each presentation was complemented by Q and A. Because of time restraints it was not possible at this meeting to spend any length of time on considering specific traffic incidents. This upset some in the audience who had expected to do just that, resulting in what one visitor described as ?“a lively session?”. Clearly, residents should be given the opportunity to bring up and discuss these concerns at a future Association meeting.
There was insufficient time for Evelyn Dravecky to do more than briefly report on the completion of the review of the Association bylaws and for Michael Stenger to report on the progress made by the Community Development Committee with the engineering of the proposed physical improvements at Walgrove Elementary School.
Our special thanks to Sheila Bernard for overseeing the catering (coffee and cookies).