Village Meadows Concerned Citizens Neighborhood Assoc.



Passed by Vote on 3/12/03

Village Meadows Concerned Citizens Neighborhood Association
[a.k.a. VMCCNA]
Registered with the Office of the State of Arizona Secretary of State
Pursuant to Section 44-1460.01, ARS
Trade Name No. 213341
Registration Date: June 14, 1999
Expiration Date: June 14, 2004
Pursuant to Section 44-1460.01, ARS


Adopted: 3/12/2003 Amended: ____________


Mission Statement

Bill of Rights

Article I – Name, Jurisdiction and Affiliation

Article II – Objectives

Article III – Membership and Dues

Article IV – Meetings

Article V – Officers, Nominations and Elections

Article VI – Duties of Officers and Executive Board

Article VII – Committees

Article VIII – Filing of Charges

Article IX – Miscellaneous Provisions

Article X – Amendments

Appendix A – Obligation of VMCCNA Officers

Appendix B – VMCCNA Election Manual

Appendix C – Suggested Ritual and Order of Business for VMCCNA Meetings

Appendix D – Recommended Form for VMCCNA Minutes

Appendix E – Key Parliamentary Rules

Mission Statement

To empower the membership of the Village Meadows Concerned Citizens Neighborhood Association (VMCCNA) to serve, represent, protect, preserve, support and improve the physical, social, economic health and welfare, as well as safety of the Village Meadows neighborhood. To enhance self-reliance and the quality of life through neighborhood based problem solving oriented services, with public and private cooperation, and existing laws, codes, and regulations.

Bill of Rights

Section 1. No person eligible for membership in the VMCCNA shall be denied membership or be discriminated against because of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, disability, political activity, belief or affiliation.

Section 2. Members shall suffer no impairment of freedom of speech.

Section 3. Members shall have the right to fair and democratic elections at all levels of the association. This shall include due notice of nominations and elections; equal opportunity for competing candidates, and proper election procedures, which shall be specified by these bylaws.

Section 4. Members shall have an equal right to run for and hold office, subject only to specified qualifications of these bylaws, uniformly applied.

Section 5. Members shall have the right to a full and clear accounting of all association funds. Such accounting shall include, but not be limited to, periodic reports to the membership by the appropriate fiscal officers and periodic reviews by officers elected for that purpose or by independent auditors not otherwise connect with the association.

Section 6. Members shall have the right to full participation, through discussion and vote, in the decision-making processes of the association, and to pertinent information needed for the exercise of this right. All members shall have an equal right to vote and each vote cast shall be of equal weight.

Section 7. Charges against a member or officer shall be specific and shall be only on grounds provided in these bylaws. Accused members or officers shall have the right to fair trial with strict adherence to due process. The accused shall be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Article I - Name, Jurisdiction and Affiliation

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be known as the Village Meadows Concerned Citizens Neighborhood Association (VMCCNA) and for purposes of these bylaws is referred to as the “association."

Section 2. The jurisdiction shall be within the boundaries of 19th Avenue and I-17 and of West Bell Road and West Union Hills Drive, City of Phoenix, Arizona, subject to the requirements of the VMCCNA.

Section 3. These bylaws shall govern all members of the association.

Section 4. There shall be a bylaws committee that shall act as the interpretative body for the bylaws and consist of eleven (11) members, four (4) members of the executive board, and seven (7) other at-Large members. The committee shall limit its interpretation to the full bylaws, history, and past practices of the association. The committee's interpretation shall be provided to the membership. Should the membership accept the interpretation by majority vote, it shall stand as the interpretation of the affected portion(s) of the bylaws until that portion(s) is changed by amendment.

Section 5. The bylaws committee shall meet periodically and shall review the bylaws and, as needed, recommend amendments to the membership, making appropriate changes and recommendations on each proposed amendment to the membership for action. Bylaw interpretations are the sole jurisdiction of the bylaws committee and the membership as specified by these bylaws.

Section 6. This association may be affiliated with other recognized organizations as set forth by the association executive board.

Article II – Objectives
The objective of this association shall be to carry out on a local basis the objectives of the VMCCNA as implied or directly stated in the “Mission Statement.”

Article III - Membership and Dues

Section 1. All persons shall be eligible for membership and are considered in good standing of the association that reside or own property within its jurisdiction. Proof of residency or ownership may be required by way of showing a driver's license, utility bill or voter's registration card.

Section 2. No application for membership shall be required.

Section 3. No dues for membership shall be required.

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1. Regular membership meetings of this association shall be held at a time and place to be fixed by the executive board.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the association president, executive board, or by petition filed with the president and signed by a minimum of ten (10) members of the association. Special meetings may also be called by the president or by an authorized representative of the VMCCNA. Such call shall stipulate the specific purpose for the request for such special meeting. In the event that the special meeting is called within two (2) weeks of the regular membership meeting, the special called meeting shall not be held in lieu of the regular membership meeting and the business of the regular membership meeting shall not be added to the agenda of the special called meeting.

Section 3. The quorum for meetings for the transaction of business of this association shall be no less than six (6) members for executive board and/or membership meetings.

Article V - Officers, Nominations, and Elections

Section 1. The officers/executive board of this association shall be elected from the membership, and be in good standing. The officers shall be president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The executive board chairs shall be committee chairs of public safety, public wellness, yards, social, Village Meadows School liaison and newsletter. These elected eleven (11) members shall constitute the “executive board” of the association. The executive board shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.

Section 2. Nominations and elections of the association executive board shall be held at the regularly scheduled membership meeting of the association during the second week in November of each year. A minimum of thirty- (30) days advance notice shall be given to the membership prior to this nomination and election meeting. The election committee shall conduct the nomination and election process at the meeting.

Section 3. To be eligible for an office, a member must be in good standing for one (1) year immediately preceding the nominating/elections meeting.

Section 4. The executive board shall be elected by secret ballot and afford to all members in attendance a reasonable opportunity to vote.

Section 5. The executive board shall be elected by a majority vote [greater than fifty (50) percent of the valid ballots cast].

Section 6. The election committee shall notify the membership present of the election results immediately following the election of each office. The newly elected executive board will be announced in the circulated newsletter following the election.

Section 7. The executive board shall, upon assuming office at the first membership meeting of the upcoming year, subscribe to the Obligation of an Officer contained in Appendix A, entitled Obligation of VMCCNA Officers.

Section 8. The executive board shall assume their duties immediately upon subscribing to the Obligation of VMCCNA Officers. In the event that a challenge or run-off election delays completion of the election process, the incumbent executive board member shall continue to serve in office until the election is complete or challenge resolved.

Section 9. All matters concerning nominations and elections of this association shall be subject to the provisions of Appendix B, entitled VMCCNA Election Manual.

Section 10. Vacancies in office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by vote of the executive board.

Section 11. The new executive board shall appoint an election committee chair within sixty (60) days from the day the new executive board takes office and the elections committee chair will serve for a period of one (1) year.

Section 12. The election committee shall act independently and autonomously of the executive board and shall remain neutral on all candidates. The election committee shall conduct elections in accordance with the association election rules and applicable law. Where no rules or law apply, the association Election Manual will be used.

Article VI - Duties of Officers and Executive Board

Section 1. The president shall:
A. preside at all meetings of the association and of the executive board;
B. be a member of all committees except the election committee;
C. countersign all checks drawn against the funds of the association;
D. appoint all special committees of the association, subject to the approval of the executive board;
E. report periodically to the membership regarding the progress and standing of the association and regarding the president’s official acts;
F. solicit three (3) trustees that are members of the association and not current members of the executive board, or assign a disinterested 3rd party, to perform a review of the association’s financial records maintained by the treasurer. A review will be performed once a year.

Section 2. The vice-president shall:
A. assists the president in the work of the president’s office;
B. in the absence of the president or in the president’s inability to serve, preside at all meetings and perform all duties otherwise performed by the president;
C. upon approval by the executive board, be authorized to act as co-signer of checks drawn on the association funds in place of either the president or the treasurer.

Section 3. The secretary shall:
A. keep a record of the proceedings of all membership meetings and of all executive board meetings, and make available copies of the minutes to the membership at the next membership meeting;
B. carry on the official correspondence of the association, except as the executive board may direct otherwise;
C. perform such other duties as the executive board may require.

Section 4. The treasurer shall:
A. receive and receipt all monies of the association;
B. deposit all money so received in the name of the association in a bank or banks selected by the executive board, and money so deposited shall be withdrawn only by check signed by the president and the treasurer;
C. prepare and sign checks for such purposes as are required by the bylaws or are authorized by the membership or the executive board;
D. keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements and shall, once each month, make available to the membership a Monthly Financial Statement of the financial transactions of the association for the previous month;
E. act as custodian of all properties of the association;
F. present to the membership an overview of the financial status of the association at least twice each calendar year.

Section 5. The public safety chair shall:
A. direct, oversee, and coordinate efforts or programs to protect and preserve the safety and well-being of the association membership through neighborhood-based programs to combat crime, blithe, and criminal zoning violations that fall within state, county and city laws, codes, and regulations;
B. act as liaison between state, county and city law enforcement agencies or departments to further the joint cooperation and support of the association in efforts and programs to combat crime;
C. oversee VMCCNA members involved in the Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol or Block Watch Programs;
D. recruit members to serve on the public safety committee.

Section 6. The public wellness chair shall:
A. develop, maintain, and access association communications networking;
B. act as state, county and city liaison at public meetings and/or events that may rise affecting the well being of the membership of the association or objectives;
C. act as liaison for partnering with various groups, organizations, or neighborhoods that will benefit the association membership or objectives;
D. recruit attendance of association membership as necessary to further the networking, partnerships, and objects of the association;
E. recruit members to serve on the public wellness committee.

Section 7. The yards chair shall:
A. schedule appropriate neighborhood cleanups as necessary;
B. recruit association membership participation in scheduled neighborhood cleanups;
C. oversee the VMCCNA “Beautiful Home” recognition program; acquire appropriate awards, complete presentations, and association membership participation;
D. act as liaison with the Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department/City Zoning Department to recognize and monitor city zoning code violations, removal of graffiti, and unlawful posting of signs in the VMCCNA neighborhood;
E. recruit members to serve on the yards committee.

Section 8. The zoning chair shall:
A. act as liaison with state, county and city zoning departments to ensure proper representation of the association;
B. act as liaison with state, county and city zoning departments to ensure proper notification and representation of the association for zoning issues that may affect the Village Meadows neighborhood;
C. recruit members to serve on the zoning committee.

Section 9. The social chair shall:
A. recruit association members to participate in social activities;
B. plan and complete social activities to enhance membership attendance and participation in activities of the association;
C. coordinate social activities between outside organizations or groups that may provide presentations, programs, or efforts at association general meetings;
D. recruit members to serve on the social committee.

Section 10. The Village Meadows School liaison chair shall:
A. represent the association interests with the Deer Valley Unified School District entity as necessary;
B. act as liaison between the Village Meadows School and the association in programs or efforts to enhance the well-being and academic achievements and/or accomplishments of the school children, and teaching issues;
C. acquire, develop, or present informational materials or program to enhance the well being of the school children and their families in their homes while away from school;
D. coordinate association programs or efforts with the Village Meadows School to promote being a good citizen and neighbor concepts;
E. recruit members to serve on the Village Meadows School liaison committee.

Section 11. The newsletter and publicity chair shall:
A. oversee and develop articles for association publications;
B. oversee and develop the association’s “The Villager Newsletter” for monthly printing and distribution to association members, neighborhood businesses, and outside organizations or groups;
C. recruit association volunteers to distribute association publications;
D. recruit members to serve on the newsletter committee.

Section 12. The executive board shall be the governing body of the association except when the membership of the association is in session. The executive board shall decide all matters affective the policies, aims and means of accomplishing the purposes of the association not specifically provided for in these bylaws or by action of the membership at a regular or special meeting. The executive board shall meet once each month, at the call of the president or, of a majority of the members of the board. A report on all actions taken by the executive board shall be made available to the membership at the following membership meeting. A majority of the members of the executive board shall be required for a quorum to conduct the business of the executive board.

Section 13. Vacancies.
A. Should the office of president become vacant; the vice-president shall become president. However, if the unexpired term of the president is eight (8) months or more, a special election shall be held for the unexpired term.
B. Should an executive board member position other than president become vacant and the unexpired term is eight (8) months or more, an interim board member shall be appointed by a majority vote of the executive board, and a special election shall be held in accordance with these bylaws. Should the unexpired term be for less than eight months, the executive board shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy.
C. Members shall be notified by the secretary of any appointments to the executive board in the newsletter following the approval of the appointment.
D. Resignations: A member of the executive board may resign for any reason during their term of office by submitting a written, signed, and dated statement with the effective date to the executive board. The executive board must vote to approve the resignation.

Article VII – Committees

Section 1. Committees established. The executive board shall establish all committees of the association with the exception of the bylaws and election committees.

Section 2. Appointment of committee chairs. The president, with executive board approval, shall appoint all committee chairs. No limit will be set on the number of members a committee must maintain with the exception of the bylaws and election committees. Members may serve on as many committees as they desire.

Section 3. Standing committees. There shall be the following standing committees: Public Safety, Public Wellness, Yards, Zoning, Social, Community Action/Village Meadows School Liaison, Newsletter and Publicity. In addition, but not limited to, the standing committees shall include: Family Fun Fest/G.A.I.N. Event, Historian, and VMCCNA Website. Chairs of standing committees shall be appointed by the executive board to coordinate, prepare, and execute association activities as necessary.
A. The Family Fun Fest/G.A.I.N. Event shall:
1. oversee and coordinate activities for the annual Family Fun Fest/G.A.I.N.
Event as necessary;
2. recruit members to help develop and complete the objectives of the annual Family Fun Fest/G.A.I.N. Event;
3. act as liaison between outside groups, organizations, businesses, state, county and city departments or sections for participation in this annual event.
B. The Historian shall:
1. Maintain items that may hold an historical significance as related to the overall association’s accomplishments and other items;
2. retrieve historical and/or important items, as they are needed to aid the executive board and/or membership.
3. recruit members to develop and complete the objectives of the association.
C. The VMCCNA Website shall:
1. oversee, maintain, and update the official VMCCNA Website as necessary.
2. must have own computer, computer skills, and Website production knowledge.
3. recruit members to develop and complete the objectives of the association.

Article VIII - Filing of Charges

Section 1. Charges may be filed by a member against another member or against an association officer in their capacity as an officer. Such charges shall be filed with and heard by the executive board. The following and no other charges shall constitute the basis for filing charges:
A. violation of any provision of these bylaws;
B. misappropriation, embezzlement, or improper or illegal use of association funds;
C. acting in collusion to the detriment of the welfare of the association or its membership;
D. refusal or deliberate failure to carry out legally authorized decisions of the executive board or the membership;
E. instituting or urging others to institute action outside the association, against the association, or any officer of the association, without first exhausting all internal remedies within;
F. using the name of the association in an unauthorized manner for an unauthorized purpose;
G. deliberately interfering with any official of the association in the discharge of lawful duties;
H. the solicitation or acceptance of a bribe from any person, firm or other organization or other association which has or is seeking to establish a business relationship with the association;
I. knowingly submitting a false financial or audit report, or knowingly and intentionally making any false financial report or statement to any lawfully constituted body, agency, or organization;
J. refusal or failure to carry out the duties specified by the bylaws of an officer and/or executive board chair;
K. interfering with or purporting to act on behalf of the election chair or their committee members.

Section 2. Charges shall be written and shall be signed by the member(s) preferring the charge(s). Charges shall be filed with the executive board with the charged party receiving a written copy of the charges preferred within two (2) days. Any directly interested member(s) of the executive board shall be disqualified from hearing and voting on the charges. Disinterested members of the association shall fill vacancies created by those disqualified for this hearing. Appeals from the decision of the executive board may be presented to the membership for final decision. If all members of the executive board are disqualified, a panel of seven (7) disinterested general members will be convened to hear the case.

Section 3. The executive board shall not have the power to impose fines. Suspension and expulsion of members as a result of findings of charges filed may not be imposed unless such member has been:
A. served with written specific charges within two (2) days.
B. given reasonable time to prepare their defense.
C. afforded a full and fair hearing by the executive board as required by law.

Article IX - Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 1. Except to the extent specified in these bylaws, no officer of the association shall have the power to act as agent for or otherwise bind the association in any way whatsoever. No member or group of members or other person or persons shall have the power to act on behalf of or otherwise bind the association except to the extent specifically authorized in writing by the president of the association or by the executive board of the association.

Section 2. Robert's Rules of Order, as Revised, shall be the guide in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and special rules of the association.

Section 3. On adoption of any amendments creating a new position, the Election Chair shall hold nominations and elections to fill the created position within sixty (60) days. Persons elected to such position shall serve until the next regularly scheduled election of a replacement in November of that year.

Section 4. Policy and Procedure Manual. The executive board shall develop and maintain a policy and procedure manual to expand upon those items covered, or develop items not covered, by these bylaws. Any policy and procedure developed, or amended, by the executive board shall be approved by the membership at the membership meeting following such implementation.

Article X – Amendments

These bylaws may be amended, revised, or otherwise changed by a majority vote of the membership voting on such proposed change. Proposed amendments to these bylaws must be made at a regular or special meeting of the association, and read and voted on at a subsequent meeting of the association provided that adequate and proper notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given to the membership fifteen (15) days prior to the date on which the vote is taken. Additionally, the proposed amendment(s) shall be in writing and be furnished to every eligible member present at the meeting at which the vote is taken.

APPENDIX A – Obligation of Officers

I, _____________________________________, promise and pledge that I will perform faithfully and with honor the duties of the office which I now assume in the Village Meadows Concerned Citizens Neighborhood Association, and I will deliver to my successor in office all books, papers and other property of this association which are in my possession at the close of my official term.

APPENDIX B - VMCCNA Election Manual

Section 1. General provisions.
A. No funds of the association shall be used to support the candidacy of any member for any elective office within the association.
B. No publication sponsored by or supported by the association shall endorse or support any candidate for elective office within the association.
C. Any nominee or announced candidate for elective office shall have the right once prior to the election to have delivered, through the association but at private expense, campaign literature to each member in good standing.

Section 2. Election of association officers.
A. To be eligible for election, a nominee must be a member in good standing of the association in which the nominee seeks office, and must meet such other conditions as are stipulated in the bylaws of the association.
B. An election committee shall be established and shall have general responsibility for the conduct of the election in accordance with these bylaws. Any challenge concerning the eligibility of any nominee shall be referred to the election committee for decision and the decision shall be reported to the membership prior to the election. The election committee shall also report, as expeditiously as possible, the results of the balloting, together with recommendations regarding any protest which have been lodged regarding the conduct of the election. No member of the election committee may be a candidate for office.
C. The terms of office for officers of the association shall be set forth in the bylaws, but may not exceed three years.
D. Not less than thirty- (30) days prior to the holding of nominations for association officers, a notice of the nominations and elections shall be delivered to each member at the member’s address.
E. Nominations may be made at a regular or special meeting by the association. A nominating committee may also make nominations, unless prohibited in the bylaws of the association. Those nominated shall be afforded the opportunity to decline, and the name of any nominee who declines shall not appear on the ballot. Write-in votes shall not be valid for any purpose.
F. In any case where there is only one nominee for office; such nominee shall be declared elected. In all other cases, election shall be by secret ballot. All association members shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to vote.
G. Association elections may be conducted at the same meeting as nominations or at the following meeting or by referendum, as provided in the association bylaws.
H. Any candidate whose name is to appear on the ballot shall have the right to have present an official observer of the candidate’s own choosing, who must be a member of the association, in all places where ballots bearing the candidate’s name are to be cast or counted.
I. Upon completion of the voting, the ballots shall be tabulated and the candidate for each office receiving a majority of the votes cast for that office shall be declared elected. Any remaining unfilled offices shall be filled through a run-off election in which there shall be a ballot bearing two names for each office to be filled, such names being those nominees who received the greatest number of votes in the first balloting and the candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. Those elected shall be installed in office in accordance with the association bylaws. The pre-election incumbents shall remain in office until new officers are installed.
J. Vacancies in office shall be filled in accordance with provisions of the bylaws of the association. If no bylaw provision exists, vacancies shall be filled by vote of the executive board of the association.
K. All election records, including ballots, shall be retained by the association for at least one-year after the election.

Section 3. Challenges and protests.
A. Any member of the association may challenge the eligibility of any nominee by filing such challenge with the Election Committee prior to the holding of the election. The Election Committee shall make a determination regarding the challenge, and shall report its ruling to the association. The association shall either accept or reject the ruling of the election Committee prior to the election.
B. Any protest concerning the conduct of the election may be lodged at the meeting at which the election is conducted or by filing such protest in writing with the secretary of the association within ten (10) days following the election. All interested parties shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard. Such protests shall be decided by the association not later than thirty days after the filing of the protest.
C. If the association determines that there were violations, which may have affected the outcome of the election, it may order such election or any part thereof set aside, and a new election held. Any officers who have been installed prior to such determination shall remain in office pending the outcome of any new election or of a future appeal.
D. Any protestant or nominee adversely affected by a decision on a challenge or a protest may file a written appeal with the executive board within ten (10) days of the association’s decision, or, if no decision has been rendered, within forty days after filing the original protest with the association. Upon receipt of such an appeal, the president of the association shall designate one or more members of the executive board to conduct an investigation, affording all interested parties an opportunity to be heard, and such member or members shall issue a decision within forty days after the filing of the protest. If the investigation shows that there were violations which may have affected the outcome of the election, the election or any part thereof may be set aside and a new election held. In such circumstances, the new election may be conducted under the supervision of a representative designated by the executive board member or members who conducted the investigation.
E. Decisions made by an executive board member or members may be appealed to the full executive board by filing written notice of such appeal within ten days after the decision is issued. Should a decision not be issued within the time limit set forth above, an appeal to the full executive board may be filed within ten days after the expiration of such time limit. The executive board shall hear and decide such appeal at its next meeting. The executive board shall provide an opportunity for all interested parties to be heard, and shall consider all other information obtained in the investigation conducted by a member or members of the executive board.
F. Decisions of the executive board under this section may be appealed to the association membership. Notice of such appeal shall be filed in writing with the association secretary within thirty days after the decision of the executive board. Pending the decision of the membership, the decision of the executive board will be in effect.
G. No association funds shall be used to institute legal action outside the association to challenge election rulings.

Section 4. The provisions of this Election Manual shall conform with applicable law. The election committee, in accordance with the bylaws, is a mandated autonomous body of the association. This document is intended to be the governing force for actions of this committee in accordance with the bylaws and applicable laws.

Section 5. The election committee.
The election committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the election chair within sixty (60) days from the date the executive board takes office. No member of the elections committee shall be permitted to:
A. Hold office in the association;
B. Campaign on behalf of, or against, any candidate, issue or referendum while serving on the committee.

Section 6. Duties of the election committee shall include:
A. Conduct nominations and election of officers;
B. Conduct ratification elections for bylaw amendments which must be voted on by the general membership;
C. Conduct other elections or votes that are deemed necessary for the benefit of the association and its membership;
D. Hear and decide any protest or challenge concerning the conduct of election or an individual's right to run for office. Appeals shall be submitted to the executive board for decision.

Section 7. Call for nominations for officers:
A. Call for the nomination of officers shall be announced in August, September and October of each year.
B. All members must be notified, by hand-delivered notice, that nominations are open. This notice must include:
1) A list of positions to be filled.
2) A deadline by which nominations must be received.
3) A requirement that nominations by in writing and signed by the nominator and nominee, including their address and phone number.
4) An address to which nominations are to be returned.
5) The election committee cannot limit the number of nominations that a member may make for any office or position.
6) The notice shall include the day, date, time and place the election is to be held.

Section 8. Making nominations.
A. When the time for nominations arrives, the chair of the meeting announces, "Nominations are now open for the office of president." Any member may then rise and, when recognized by the chair, say "I nominate Joe Smith for president." That is all that is required; no seconding speech is necessary.
B. The chair should then announce, "Joe Smith has been nominated. Are there any other nominations for president?" This procedure should be continued until three (3) consecutive calls for "other nominations" go unanswered. The chair should then declare the nominations for that office closed and proceeds to the next office. No motion is needed, under such a circumstance, to close the nominations, and a motion to close nominations is always out of order if another member is seeking the floor for the purpose of making a nomination.
C. Use of a nominating committee. A nominating committee, like any other committee, is ordinarily appointed by the president with the approval of the executive board. The use of a nominating committee is permitted under the bylaws
D. Use of a nominating committee, however, does not change the requirement that nominations be permitted from the floor at the nomination meeting. If such a committee were used, it would first make its report to the meeting. The chair of the meeting would then announce, "The nominating committee has nominated Joe Smith for president. Are there any other nominations for president?" and would then continue just as if no nominating committee had been used.
E. As nominations are closed for each office, in any case where there is only one nominee and where that nominee has indicated he will accept the office, the unopposed candidate should be declared elected. This should be done by the chair of the meeting and does not require a motion or a vote.
* While it is not legally required, it is customary for the president to relinquish the chair to someone who is not going to be a candidate to conduct the nominations.

Section 9. When elections are held:
A. Election of officers shall be held at the membership meeting held in the second week of November each year.
B. Ratification of amendments - no later than two (2) months after the month amendments are proposed.

Section 10. Requirements for passage:
A. Election of officers shall be a majority (more than 50%) of valid ballots cast by those present at the membership meeting.
B. Ratification of amendments - majority of votes cast.

Section 11. Notice of nominees for office:
A. Once nominations are closed for each office, the election chair shall notify the membership in attendance at the membership meeting before any vote may be cast to fill that office. If written nominations have been received prior to the November membership meeting, each nomination shall be presented to those present for voting before any vote may be cast to fill that office.
B. Nominees may run for only one office. If nominated for more than one office, nominees may accept no more than one (1) of the nominations. The instructions shall include:
1) The deadline by which declinations or candidate statement must be submitted.
2) An address to deliver declinations or statements.
3) A requirement that all declinations by in writing.
4) A requirement that the candidate statements are no longer than one page, letter size.
5) If nominated at the time of the November membership meeting, the nominee may give a verbal acceptance or declination in lieu of the written requirements.
6) If a candidate's transmittal forms are not received by the election chair or committee within ten (10) days of the scheduled November membership meeting, the committee will attempt for another ten days to contact any candidate who has not responded. This will be done to give candidates a final opportunity to have their names included as candidates for office at the November membership meeting. All attempts to contact candidates will be documented by the committee and indicate the name of the nominee, address, or phone number that was called, date and time called upon, notes of the conversation or lack of and, the name of the committee person that attempted the contact. Failure by the candidate for office to respond within one (1) day of the November membership meeting will be deemed to be a declination of the nomination(s).

Section 12. Preparing the ballot
A. Ballots should be prepared on colored paper which is not easily reproducible. If possible, ballots should bear an official non-reproducible association mark or logo. In all cases, ballots should be produced with the same stock and brand of paper.
B.The ballot should have a heading declaring it to be the official association ballot.
C. The ballot must include instructions on the maximum number of persons that can be selected for each office or positions. However, members cannot be required to cast all of their allowed votes. Using the officer election as an example, the ballot should state: "vote for no more than ONE (1)."

Section 13. Voting instructions
Voting instructions must include an explanation of the issue to be voted on or the offices or positions to be filled. Members should be asked to mark their choices on the ballot, making no other marks on the ballot.

APPENDIX C - Suggested Ritual and Order of Business for VMCCNA Meetings

The president, or committee chair, calls the meeting to order.
1. Roll call of officers. The president asks the secretary to call the roll of the officers.
2. Reading of minutes of the last meeting. The president asks the secretary to read the minutes of the preceding meeting. The president then asks if there are corrections to be made in the minutes; corrections should be noted. If no objections are made, the president may declare the minutes accepted.
3. Review the status of Action Items resulting from and included in the minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Recognize new attendees. The president asks the secretary to read the names of the new attendees, as these names are read, these attendees step forward to be recognized.
5. Reading of correspondence. The president asks the secretary to read the important correspondence.
6. Reports of Officers.
7. Reports of Committees.
8. Unfinished Business.
9. New Business.
10. Good and Welfare.
11. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn must be made, seconded, and voted upon.

Appendix D – Recommended Form for VMCCNA Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of August 10, 2002.
The VMCCNA [membership/executive board/committee] meeting was called to order by President/Committee Chair John Buck at ________ p.m.
1. Roll call of officers was taken by Secretary Bernice Watson. All Officers were present. [Attachment A – Sign-in Sheet]
2. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
3. The Secretary read the names of the following new members in attendance: Al Boyle, Joe Jones, Sally Brown. The new applicants were asked to stand and by recognized.
4. The President asked the Secretary to read the important correspondence. [Attachment(s) __] Letters were read from the City of Phoenix asking for participation in the Voter Registration Drive and from the Village Meadows School concerning the Adult Training Program.
5. Reports of the Officers.
A. The President reported on the last Executive Board meeting. It was moved by Albert Ellis, seconded, and carried that the report be accepted. [Attachment __]
B. Treasurer Alex Pruitt made the following report for the month of July [see Attachment __]
[Attachment __]
Balance in bank as of June 30
Grants received during July, 2002
Total Income $

Bills approved at July meeting and paid:
J. Saylee Co. (Stationery) $
R. Sampson (rental for office and meeting room) $
US Postal Service (mailing of newsletter) $
Office Max (membership buttons and other supplies) $

Total Expenditures $

Balance in bank as of July 31 $

TheTreasurer recommended the payment of the following bills:
Sam Jones Office Supply Company $
Thompson Printing Company $
R. Sampson (rental for office and meeting room) $

It was moved by William Locke, seconded, and carried that theTreasurer’s report be accepted and the bills approved for payment.
6. Reports of Committees.
A. Yards Committee. Chairperson Steve Savkovich recommended on behalf of the Committee that the new regulations adopted by the City of Phoenix be announced in the newsletter. It was moved by Maria Bonner, seconded, and carried that the new regulations be announced in the newsletter. [Attachment __]
B. Education Committee. Chairperson Finettie Johnson recommended on behalf of the Committee that the association send two members to participate in the Neighborhoods That Work Program to be conducted by the National Neighborhoods That Work organization. The matter was referred to New Business.
7. Unfinished Business.
The pending request of the City of Phoenix Streets Department to vote on the changes for 24th Avenue was taken up again. It was moved by Earnie Madison, seconded, and carried that a letter be sent to the City of Phoenix Streets Department asking for a recommendation on the matter.
8. New Business.
Tom Aubuchon moved that the recommendation of the Education Committee be accepted, and that the association send the Chairperson of the Committee and Vice President Roy Howard to take part in the program with the association to pay the actual expenses of the participants up to a maximum of $200. The motion was seconded and carried. [Attachment __]
9. Good and Welfare.
John Small, representing the Community Chest, spoke to the meeting about the need for raising enough money in the annual campaign for the City Adoption Center to get back on solid financial ground. He appealed to the members present to work hard in their respective shops to help in the drive. [Attachment __]
George Peters informed those present that Joe Day was still confined to John C. Lincoln Hospital but he could now receive visitors.
10. There being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting be adjourned.
Meeting adjourned at ________p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
[Include Attachments A - __]

Posted by bofus on 03/27/2003
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