Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 2, 2007, 7pm
Hartley House at 413 West 46th Street
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Reading of the Minutes of Prior Meeting- They were approved
3. Reports of Officers
3.1. President?’s Report (Darrick Sampson)
3.1.1. Suggestions for guest speakers- Darrick solicited suggestions for guest speakers.
3.1.2. Suggestion to revisit parking change on West 46th Street between Ninth and Tenth Avenues- Darrick reported that a resident has asserted that there was insufficient signage (notification) on the hearing that occurred last summer resulting in the change from commercial parking to residential parking.
3.1.3. Police Department Restricting Pedestrian Flow Down 46th Street from Ninth Avenue on New Year?’s Eve- One of our restaurant owners, Mr. Don Jeta who owns several properties on Ninth and Restaurant Row, was concerned that the blockages may limit customers. We proactively asked the Midtown North Police Precinct if this was going to occur and was told by Diane Detective Menig that there were NO PLANS to close Restaurant Row. I discussed the inconvenience this caused with Police Office William Donohue and they agreed to put it in the Police Department?’s formal critique which will likely impact next year?’s project plan.
3.2. Vice President?’s Report (Allison Tupper)
3.3. Treasurer?’s Report (Steve Fanto)
3.4. Secretary?’s Report (Watty Strouss)
4. Unfinished Business
4.1. 2007 Elections- voted for the following executive committee positions:
?• President: Darrick Sampson
?• Vice President: Allison Tupper
?• Secretary: Watty Strouss
?• Treasurer, Steve Fanto
4.2. Matthews-Palmer Playground Name Unveiling- Christine Quinn?’s office responded: a City Council Resolution is not necessary. We will proceed with Elliot Sykes.
4.3. Alexandra Palmer Memorial Garden Sign- Funding has been received from Mary Clark ($100) and St. Luke?’s Lutheran Church ($400) for a proper sign to mark the location of the Alexandra Palmer Memorial Garden. We need someone to research our options for buying such a sign. Possible vendors include:
?• Partnership for Parks
?• New York City Department of Parks and recreation
?• Joe Restuccia (Christine Berthet)
?• Seffens Studio- Jim Seffens, 405 West 44th Street (Mary Clark)
?• David Korman offered to find some vendors
4.4. Mural Re-painting at the Matthews Palmer Playground- Hans has been researching options.,. The latest is with Lokei Kaimana, Program Associate, Publicolor
4.5. Use of the leaf blower in Matthews-Palmer Playground- ?“Over the past 3 years the use of the leaf blower has replaced the use of a good broom?”, one resident complains, ?“Each year it gets worse and the park employees have become antagonistic.?” Kirstin Dionne at Hartley House is co-chair for the CB4 Waterfront and Parks committee and put this on the agenda for the Jan 11th meeting.
5. New Business
5.1. Proposed Appropriation of $300 for Satisfying Notice Needs- the block association needs assistance with hanging notices for meetings immediately. The President?’s suggestion is to pay a neighborhood teenage $25 to distribute 50 notices in our jurisdiction. Community service programs like Midtown Community Courts are not ideal as posting these is actually not legal (and they will not do that). If a member would do this, it would be ideal!
6. Public Announcements
6.1. Public Outreach Meeting: Traffic Calming and Public Places Opportunities ?— 9th Avenue Renaissance ?— sponsored by the Clinton?–Hell's Kitchen Coalition for Pedestrian Safety (CHEKPEDS)
6.2. Make Music New York- see detailed description that follows
6.3. Water Tunnel Project- Here is the latest from Bob Benfatto at CB 4 regarding the water tunnel site: "I spoke with Ruby from DEP. The blasting is over for now. Will be doing concrete for 4 ?– 6 weeks now. The crane will be equipped with a beeper with lesser decibels. Let me know if that changes anything. Plus, she informs me the crews have been spoken to about community concerns re slashed tires, parking, et al. (By the way, the work will take at least a couple of years. The entire project should be finished about our area at least!) "
7. Adjournment