1. Welcome and Introduction of New People- No new people
2. Treasurer?’s Report
3. Secretary?’s Report- Darrick distributed the September minutes. They were accepted as is.
4. Vice-President?’s Report- No report
5. President?’s Report
5.1. Christina reported that new light fixtures will be installed on 46th Street, and they will be the same fixtures that are in Central Park today. Reverend Hansen of Saint Luke's Lutheran Church was involved in the group that lobbied for this street improvement.
5.2. Christina proposed donating to City Meals on Wheels and St. Clement?’s Church Members voted and the motion passed.
6. Committee Reports- Christina reported that the nominating committee will announce nominations in November and we will elect new officers in December.
7. Unfinished Business- Nothing.
8. New Business
8.1. Kathleen Kavanagh expressed concern over bicyclist using the sidewalk because it creates a pedestrian hazard. She noted it is illegal and suggested the police should give greater attention to this matter.
8.2. As we did in September, we again discussed ways in which we could increase the community?’s involvement in the Block Association and effectively use the money we raised. Members offered the following suggestions:
8.2.1. Kathleen- send a welcome packet to new members; create an Internet site.
8.2.2. Shep- a challenge to do something good for the neighborhood where we would pay 50% of the cost to the winning suggestion. Seth Sibanda and Shep will meet to discuss this idea.
8.2.3. Allison & Darrick- limit spending to entities directly tied to 46th Street.
8.3. Shep announced that the Village at 46th and Tenth is having financial challenges resulting in possible service cutbacks. Christina will review information she received from the corporation who runs the residences.
9. Public Announcements- None
10. Adjournment