Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. in the library of the West Point Elementary School. In attendance were Darrell Featherston, David Sobelman, Linda Kopff, Thomas Bousquet and Patty Garman from City Property Management.
Decisions on Architectural Requests
ES311..extended driveway..variance approved with 18" set-back.
ES012..RV gate..request denied.
ES320..decorative bricks along propery line request approved.
ES176..widen RV gate..request approved.
DB449..patio cover..request approved on condition work is completed
by 9/1/02.
RY081..redwood swing set completed 5/26/01 request approved.
US198..waterfall/ response from homeowner. HOA to
send letter advising structure must be torn down.
HOA board unanimously agreed that all architectural requests must be received by the 15th of the month for consideration at that month's meeting. All requests received after the 15th will be held for the following month's meeting. HOA newsletter will reflect this decision.
Decision of hearings on violations:
DB176..complaint by neighbor regarding trailer in driveway.
Discrepancy by homeowner over location of trailer...fine waived
A closed, executive session was held to discuss Mark Goss' position on the board due to his new job which precludes his attendance at monthly HOA meetings. It was agreed that Mark will remain President of the HOA and Darrell will perform the normal duties as Vice President of the HOA. The term of all Board Members will be up for re-election in January and Mark can make a decision on running for re-election at that time.
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the meetings of June 24, 2002. Motion seconded, all in favor.
Th "T" shirt factory at 15944 West Ulrich will have assessed fines increased to approximately $250.00 per week until cease and dissist order is in place.
Walkway through common area leading to school gate. Patty to obtain engineering inspections and completion is anticipated during the first week in October during school break.
The WPTCHOA American Flagpole and flag flying policy document was reviewed and modified by board members.
WPTC July 2002 management report reviewed by Patty Garman.
The monthly Collections Activity Report recommendations regarding foreclosures and balance write-offs were motioned and approved.
Patty noted that the letters sent by Mr. & Mrs. Baratko are being addressed by City Property Management.
The following requests for waiver of deliquent fees were decided by the board as follows:
US127...No waiver, US128...No waiver, US270...No waiver
All board members were asked to visit the location where homeowner tripped and fell for final disposition.
Patty will proceed with obtaining the safety inspections of all playground equipment within WPTC.
Meeting adjourned and future meetings will continue to be held on the 4th Monday of each month.