If you have a problem or a question, please contact our knowledgeable Neighborhood Service Representatives Ms. Shinholster and Ms. McKeever for assistance.
Service is our only business,
Lena Dooley, Manager
Stephanie A. Young- Manager
Email: YoungS.PO1.CCB@po1.ci.detroit.mi.us
19397 W. Warren
Detroit, MI 48228
Office: (313) 271-9288
Fax: (313) 271-9366
Ms. Patricia Shinholster
Email: shinholsterp@nch.ci.detroit.mi.us
Office: 271-9288
Fax: 271-9366
Mrs. Gloria Wofford-McKeever
Email: Mckeeverg@nch.ci.detroit.mi.us
Office: 271-9288
Fax: 271-9366