August 18, 2010 Minutes
Westhaven Commons HOA
Board of Directors
Meeting opened at 7pm.
In attendance: Theresa L., Kay T., Lucille M, Dr. Alvarez, and Tim Loehr .
Also in attendance were 28 homeowners.
Purpose of meeting:
Regular Homeowners Association Meeting
Major Concerns: Repairs, Insurance, New Property Management
Outcome -After discussion, it was decided that when the money starts to come in from back fees and the insurance settlement we will funds needed to make repairs.
*Discussion- Insurance
Outcome -Nationwide is calculating how much they owe us in premium over payments. We were being charged for 19 buildings when we only have 12 buildings.
*Omni/ New Property Management Co.
Outcome - Mr. Tim Loehr, the president of Omni, arrived at 8:15pm. There was an open discussion and question and answer session. Some of the questions were:
*How long have you been in business?
*Snow removal
*Lawn Care
*Repairs and etc.
There was a question about why the community has so many power outages.
Omni Management offically takes over August 23, 2010, but they have already started work.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50pm
Theresa L., President
Kay T., V. P. and Treasurer
Dr. Rudy A.- Assistant to Mrs. Tripple
Lucille M., Secretary