***Please consider recyling first!****
Household garbage is picked up on Mondays and Thursdays in Westhampton. Newspapers and aluminum cans must be separated from your household garbage. Yard waste is picked up once a week on ___________, but may not occur on the same day as household garbage.
State law mandates that yard trimmings are to be banned from landfills as of September 1, 1996. Yard trimmings, leaves, pine straw, grass clippings, etc. must be put in a separate container from household garbage, not to exceed 50 pounds. Rocks, dirt and tree stumps will not be collected. Containers holding BOTH yard trimmings and household garbage will not be picked up. Containers for yard trimmings can be from 20- to 40-gallon plastic or metal trash cans, which are reusable; or 20- to 40- gallon biodegradable paper bags designed for yard trimmings; or a combination of both. Plastic bags must not be used, as they are not biodegradable. Dekalb County will collect yard trimmings to chip for mulch or compost for use as a soil conditioner. A good rule of thumb in estimating whether or not the trimmings are too heavy for pick up is if you can't lift them, neither can the Sanitation crew. Tree limbs under 4 inches in diameter must be shorter than 4 feet in length and stacked neatly at the curb. Tree limbs over 4 inches in diameter must be cut in 2- to 2 1/2 foot sections and stacked neatly at the curb. A fee will be charged for trees cut by professional tree cutters.
On the following days the garbage pickup will change to the day to the right:
New Year's Day:
Friday, 12/31/99 Monday/Wednesday
Martin Luther King's Birthday:
Monday, 1/17/00 Tuesday/Thursday
President's Day:
Monday, 2/21/00 Tuesday/Thursday
Memorial Day:
Monday, 5/29/00 Tuesday/Thursday
Independence Day:
Tuesday, 7/4/00 Monday/Thursday
Labor Day:
Monday, 9/4/00 Tuesday/Thursday
Veterans Day:
Friday, 11/10/00 Monday/Wednesday
11/23/00-11/24/00 Monday/Wednesday
Monday, 12/25/00 Tuesday/Thursday
New Year's Day:
Monday, 1/1/2001 Tuesday/Thursday
Yard Trimmings 404-687-3540
Sanitation Division* 404-294-2900
*Call to schedule special pickups: small dead animals (fee is collected),
large volumes of tree limbs or logs.