We invite you to visit www.myflorida.com and view the Florida Statutes Chapter 617 (Corporations Not For Profit) and Chapter 720 (Homeowners' Associations).
1. Board of Directors' Meetings: These meetings are for the Board to conduct the business of the Association, and are held the fourth Monday of each month at the Fleet Reserve on Collins Road. All meetings are open to the members, except meetings between the Board and the Attorney with respect to proposed litigation. Members can attend and observe the meetings, but are not to engage in discussions, vote, or provide comments during the business portion of the meeting. Members can speak for three (3) minutes at the meetings if they have petitioned the Board to put an item on the agenda or during the open forum at the end of the business meeting if they submit a speaker's card prior to the time the meeting starts. If you desire to place an item on the agenda, call or e-mail the Board at least one week before the meeting. If you wish to speak at the meeting, fill out a card when you sign in.
2. Official Records: All records are now maintained on the property and appropriate records are available for inspection by any member or their agent within ten (10) business days of receipt of a written request for access. Any member can view their individual record file folder or financial record, but not those of other members. The Association does not have a copier, and if copies are requested, the copies will be made at an outside facility (i.e., Office Depot) and members will be charged the actual cost of the copies.