Winchester Tire and Alignment
Thirty Years & Growing Strong
Address: 1830 Winchester,
Memphis, TN, 38116
(901) 345-5484
Chief Decision Maker: E. E. "Doc"
Holliday Title: President
1. What is the major business of
your company? The major focus of our company is auto repair, maintenance, alignment, and tires.
2. Is your company privately held?
We are a privately held corporation.
3. How long have you been in business?
We have been family owned and operated since May of 1972. We have just celebrated our
thirtieth year in business.
4. Approximately how many people do you employ (full time equivalent)?
We employ 12 people.
5. How does your current employment level compare with your workforce 3 years ago?
We have maintained a staff of twelve
to fourteen people over the past three
years. I feel that this is an amazing
accomplishment when you consider
the economy over the last three years.
Many auto repair shops and other
companies have been forced to down
size or close completely.
6. What is your expected employment growth during the next 3 years?
We plan to maintain our current employee level over the next three years, with a focus on
improving quality and services.
7. Briefly describe your business:
We are an auto repair and
maintenance shop that provides the best quality parts and services, including maintenance, tires,
alignments, suspension, brakes, axles, belts, hoses, radiators, water pumps and much more.
8. Geographic market area:
We have a geographic market area of
approximately a 65-mile radius.
9. What would you like to see the
city of Memphis do to help create
more business activity?
I do not feel it is the city?’s place to help create more business activity. I would like
to see the city do its job of enforcing laws, including but not limited to getting the panhandlers and street vendors off of the street! Our community cannot feel comfortable to do business in a neighborhood that is crime infested and constantly being confronted by these people on every corner.
10. What developments in Whitehaven would support your business growth?
One of the biggest challenges for our company is to maintain a clean, crime free area around our business.
11. What is the key to your company's growth? We feel that the key to success and growth is quality
service and repair, focusing on providing maintenance and repairs on a timely schedule to keep our customers from falling into the trap
of costly and time consuming breakdowns.
Fed Ex ?– winner of the
10th Annual Golf Classic.
WEDC would like to thank all our
sponsors who helped make
this a great success.
Renewal Community
Tax Incentives
On January 21, 2002 the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development designated 48 census
tracts in the City of Memphis as
Renewal Communities.
The Renewal Community reflects the
areas in Memphis which have the
greatest need and which offer the best
utilization of tax incentives to
stimulate business growth. The
Renewal Community will not only
create economic opportunities but also
generate jobs and hope for many
Memphis residents.
A business is eligible to take
advantage of many of the Renewal
Community tax incentives if it is
located in one of the 48 Renewal
Community Census Tracts.
Substantial tax incentives will be
available to businesses in Renewal
Communities (RC) during the period
January 1, 2002, through December
31, 2009. These tax incentives are
generally designed to encourage
businesses to locate or expand
operations in the RC and to hire RC
residents. The incentives include:
?• Wage Credits
?• Deductions
?• Bond Financing
?• Capital Gains and other
Find out if you are eligible, go to