Willow Creek Neighborhood Watch

July 2009 Newsletter

Jul 22, 2009


Every one please be safe and respectful with your fireworks. Be courteous to your neighbors and safe with the children in the neighborhood.


** Be sure to have an adult light all fireworks no matter how big or how small.

** When you are done please put water on them to make sure they are completely out and no chance of them going off again or burning unsuspecting children who might come along and pick them up.

** Please do not play tag with bottle rockets or point any firework at people

** When using sparklers make sure an adult is supervising any children or teenagers who might have them. Even though they may seem harmless they are actually VERY dangerous. Kids can get burned or even have their clothes catch fire. So please be CAREFUL.

**We just want everyone to be careful and have FUN!!


I like to add a new Co-Captain for Center Hill Court, Shawn Whittaker. His address, phone number and email are

I would also like to thank everyone who showed up at our meeting on 6/25. Our numbers are increasing but still need more people.

Just a reminder, everyone please do not litter in neighbors?’ yards, the common areas or the areas between sidewalk and street. This is becoming an increasing problem and is very easy to solve. So please if you are out walking and feel the need to litter just take it home with you and dispose of it there instead. This will help make our neighborhood look nicer and keep it safer for the kids and animals that live here. Thanks

My Contact Information
641-1080 or cwooodsmiller@yahoo.com


Removing Permanent Marker
From furniture?….
**Hairspray: Spray it on the spot and wipe with dry cloth or paper towel.

**Toothpaste: If hairspray doesn?’t work, than try toothpaste. Apply to spot and scrub with old toothbrush. Then wipe off excess with dry cloth or paper towel.

Mosquito Spray
Fill a spray bottle with Listerine. Use it wherever you have Mosquitoes. It doesn?’t take much. Spray around seating area, lawn, deck floor, door frames, window frames, picnic area, around food table, the children?’s swing area, standing water nearby, even in the dog house. And voila! The Mosquitoes disappear or are killed immediately. Don?’t leave home without it.

Too Salty?
If a soup or stew is too salty, add raw cut potatoes while cooking. The potatoes will absorb extra salt, then discard after cooking.


**Cant remember if an egg is fresh or hard boiled. Just spin the egg, if it wobbles, it is raw. If it spins easily, it is hard boiled. A Fresh egg will sink in water, a stale egg will float.
**An egg is easiest to beat at room temperature. Take an egg out of the refrigerator about 1/2 hour before using. For light fluffy scrambled eggs, add a little water while beating the eggs.
**Add vinegar to water when boiling eggs. The vinegar helps to seal the egg.

To avoid " onion eyes " peel under cold water or freeze for 10 minutes before chopping.


BUNCO Thursday July 16th at 7pm. Sheryl Storrie?’s House at 5612 Windy Willow Dr. #295-6802 and email is sherylstorrie1@aol.com.

Saunders Small Engine
Need your lawn equipment ready for the cutting season. Please call 895-1536

southern Ohio landscaping
Jonathan Meese 648-4493

The River Food Pantry is sponsored by, The River, a church located in the Bluegrass Industrial Park. They give food and help to those in need. They are asking for donations and also offering help. Please contact Pastor Justin Mosteller 681-8762 for more info!

Mane Salon 50% Discount
Get an appointment with April Farmer. Mention Sheryl Storrie, April Farmer?’s Mom, when booking an appointment and you can get a 50% discount on all services (new clients only). Please hurry offer ends when summer does. The phone number is 459-0474. Located in the Gardiner Lane Shopping Center at 3026 Bardstown Rd. The website is www.themanesalon.com.

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