Members Present
Margaret Robinson
Kathy Beres
Fred Dittemore
Bill Geneske
Cindy Sandoval
Shellie Leach
Mike Adams, Faith Property Management
Call to Order
President, Margaret Robinson, called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. A quorum was established.
Approval of Minutes
There was a motion to approve the May minutes. The motion was seconded and so moved.
A motion was made to accept the financial report. The motion was seconded and so carried.
Management Report
Mike reported on the parking lot repairs, the status of painting the buildings, the fence replacement bids, the garage damage and repairs on R-72, and the sewer backup in M-20.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
Pool security was discussed at length, due to the number of vandalism and trespassing violations that have occurred this pool season. Mike was asked to get some bids on adding some security fencing to the top of the existing chain link fence. Margaret presented a bid for upgrading the security camera system to include a digital system that is motion activated, domed cameras in the pool area that can be reached and moved, and adding two new cameras. The cost would be $145.00 per camera and around $2000.00 for the digital upgrade. There was a motion to approve the upgrade and installing two new cameras, as well as moving two of the existing cameras. The motion was seconded and so carried.
Margaret caught a non-resident jumping off of the clubhouse roof into the pool. She obtained his name and address, and asked that Faith contact the police and have him ticketed for trespassing.
Kathy asked that Mike have the pool benches secured to the concrete floor so people will not be able to use them as ladders to get on the clubhouse roof. There was a motion to have this done; the motion was seconded and so carried.
Mike was asked to get three "no smoking" signs made and installed in the pool area. They will be installed on the east wall, the entrance door, and one outside the garage doors.
Fred Dittemore resigned verbally, as he has sold his unit and will be moving in the near future. The Board thanked Fred for all that he has done for the community over the past years.
Mike went over the delinquency report with the Board.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. The next meeting will be on August 18, at 6:30 PM.