Llano Memorial Health Care System introduced the latest improvement in EMS service to the Buchanan Dam and Tow area. During a showing at the new Lakeshore Library Aug. 12, a brand new emergency vehicle was presented. It will ultimately be stationed in a facility to be constructed at the location.
Llano County Commissioner Henry Parker, accompanied by hospital board member Pam Jackson of Tow and hospital administrator Kevin Leeper, outlined the plans for final placement of the vehicle.
Initially, the new vehicle and crew are to be temporarily stationed at the Buchanan Dam fire station located in the Red Barn facility. Final negotiations are underway at this time and should be concluded in the next few weeks to enable the service.
George Bold, who headed up the successful Friends of the Library Program, outlined his intentions of starting the Friends of The EMS whose purpose is to raise the funding to pay for the new building which will be the permanent home of the Lake Buchanan EMS unit.