Neighborhood Watchers!A Resident reported the following, this is building # 13:
Also, at 12:00 midnight, I heard noise outside, and when I went outside to look a man had put a Ladder up the back side of the building toward my upstairs neighbor. When I confronted him, he said he fell. He turned his back to me, and took off through the Parking Lot.
Thanks to the resident who reported this incident!! Everyone keep up the good work!
Reminder! Tuesday at 9:00pm @ the Clubhouse Front steps - Foot Patrol! Come out to meet your neighbors, discuss community security/safety concerns while walking the property. Bring your dog! Walks last about 30 minutes depending on how much we gossip :-) Everyone is Welcome and encouraged to attend!! Bring your walking shoes and a flash light if you want (but not required).
Next walk will be on Thursday.
Important Windhover information!
Your Neighborhood Watch coordinators!
Justin Hammond Dorothy Henderson
6003 Windhover Dr 6017 Windhover Dr
407-408-6527 (cell) 407-351-3181